A Taxonomy of Legal Blogs
I. General Blogs
Advice for Lawyers and Law Firms
General Blogs – Law and Culture, Economics, Politics, etc.
II. Blogs Categorized by Legal Specialty
III. Blogs Categorized by Law or Legal Event
IV. Blogs Categorized by Jurisdictional Scope
V. Blogs Categorized by Author/Publisher
Law Firm Blogs – Listed by Blog
Law Firm Blogs – Listed by Firm
Law Library and Librarian Blogs
VI. Blogs Categorized by Number of Contributors
VII. Miscellaneous Blogs Categorized by Topic
VIII. Collections of Legal Blogs
Addendum: Spanish translation of the main Taxonomy page.
Note: Readers may leave comments, criticisms and suggestions about this taxonomy at the reader feedback page.
March 28, 2006 in A Taxonomy of Legal Blogs, Taxonomy Main Page | Permalink | TrackBack