Law Library and Librarian Blogs

  1. BarclayBlog
  2. beSpacific
  3. Blogs @ Widener Law Library (Delaware)
  4. Blogs @ Widener Law Library (Harrisburg)
  5. BoleyBlogs! of Lewis & Clark Law School
  6. CALLBlog2006
  7. Carolina Blawg
  8. Cincinnati Law Library Blog
  9. Cleveland Law Library Weblog
  10. Connie Crosby
  11. Connie Crosby Links
  12. Dane Co Legal Resource Center Blawg
  13. FSU College of Law Library Blog
  14. The Garbrecht Gazette
  15. Heafey Headnotes
  16. Jenkins Webblits
  17. Law Dawg Blawg
  18. Law in the News
  19. Law Librarian Blog
  20. Legal Periodicals
  21. Library Boy       
  22. LibraryLaw Blog
  23. Massachusetts Law Updates
  24. Moritz Legal Information Blog
  25. New York Supreme Court Criminal Term Library
  26. Out of the Jungle
  27. St. Thomas Law Library Faculty Services Blog
  28. Stark County Law Library Blawg
  29. Trial Advocacy Blog
  30. The University of Baltimore Law Library Weblog
  31. Vancouver Law Librarian Blog
  32. V.U.Lawcity – The Valpo Law Blog
  33. Wisblawg
  34. ZiefBrief

Note: This list does not contain law library blogs that are focused exclusively on the law students and faculty of the school (e.g. announcements of new book arrivals).

Return to the main Taxonomy of Legal Blogs page.

March 26, 2006 in Taxonomy: Law Library Blogs | Permalink