CNN Opens I-Report Hub in Second Life
CNN's in-world I-Report hub includes a news desk where CNN producers will hold weekly editorial discussions, and an amphitheater for larger in-world events, such as training sessions and appearances by CNN anchors and correspondents. Details. [JH]
November 13, 2007 in Second Life | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack
Regulating Your Second Life: Defamation in Virtual Worlds
Bettina Chin, Editor-in-Chief of the Brooklyn Law Review has deposited Regulating Your Second Life: Defamation in Virtual Worlds in SSRN. Her note is published at 72 Brooklyn Law Review 1303 (2007). Here's the abstract:
Although the issue of virtual harm has never been raised in real-world courts, virtual worlds like Second Life have become increasingly significant in terms of both time and money for their users. As such, it is important to develop theories of how the law may apply to and resolve disputes that originate in these worlds. This Note will therefore argue that because users have imported real-world concepts, specifically currency and economy, into the metaverse, it would behoove brick and mortar societies to provide for redress if a user suffers pecuniary loss in these worlds. This Note will also explore certain ambiguities inherent and unique to the virtual environment when traditional elements of defamation law are applied to it. Moreover, this Note will argue that real-world courts should be the proper forum in which to litigate defamation actions, where victims suffer pecuniary loss due to the fall of their reputations.
October 11, 2007 in Second Life, Virtual Communities | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack
Law Prof Gives Lecture in Second Life Today
Joshua Fairfield, visiting professor of law at Washington and Lee University, will deliver a lecture titled "Anti-Social Contracts in Virtual Worlds" today. The lecture will take place at 11:00 am pacific time. Fairfield's talk, which is part of the Metanomics Series sponsored by Cornell University's Johnson School of Management, will focus on the uses and limits of contracts in governing interactions in virtual worlds. For links and details, read the press release. [JH]
September 24, 2007 in Second Life | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack