Two Major Posts are Coming
As I wrote here, my intentions were to start building my legal blog taxonomy online very soon. However, I will postpone this for a few days because of a couple of developments. Two posts are coming, not related to my taxonomy, which are significant. I do not want these two posts to be lost in the middle of a series of blog categories. I would prefer to keep them separate, so I will put them on my blog first before I start creating the taxonomy online. This means, however, that posting will be light until then.
Here are descriptions of the two upcoming posts:
1. I will soon make my notes available from Howard Bashman's presentation at OSU law school. Mr. Bashman discussed the history of How Appealing, the advantages of legal blogging, and the nature of appellate practice. Anyone who reads How Appealing regularly will enjoy his intriguing and insightful observations.
2. My Recent Development case note is ready for publication, and I will soon be receiving the final version. It will be posted in its entirety on my blog before print publication, and the blog post is identified as “Footnote 123” in my print article. This electronic online footnote, the last footnote in the print article, will allow me to keep my Recent Development continuously updated. My goal is to display how traditional legal scholarship can be blended with modern forms of communication. I will also modify the current content of Footnote 123, turning it into a succinct explanation of my footnote and a brief general introduction to my Recent Development. (I enjoy that my last footnote will serve as an introduction to my case note, and will also contain the note in its entirety before publication.)
March 20, 2006 in Previews | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack
Blogging will Resume Shortly...
I am done with the MPRE (for a time, at least). I am thus a more ethical person. My first priority now is to add all of the many legal blogs that readers have suggested to my list. After that, regular blogging will resume...
March 11, 2006 in Previews | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack
Temporary Hiatus
Earlier today I mentioned that I was ill, possibly with a bronchial infection. Well, it's gotten worse, and I'm actually writing this after getting back from the emergency room in the early morning. Nothing to be alarmed by, just a very nasty cough that won't let me sleep. So I've been prescribed some antibiotics and other medication. Most likely I will be taking it easy and not posting for the rest of the day. I'll resume posting tomorrow (Thursday). Thanks for coming.
February 22, 2006 in Previews | Permalink | Comments (1) | TrackBack
More Posts Coming
I have several more posts coming, but I've come down with an illness (some kind of bronchial infection) so I rested this morning. I'll catch up later in the afternoon. You can file this in the "Thanks for telling me about your life, but I really didn't want to know that" department.
Visitors desiring something new should read Sean Sirrine's comments under the post immediately below. Thanks very much for all the info, Sean, and the compliment as well! I'll also have more to say about this particular example later, namely what to do about court citations to online sources with URL's that change, or even worse are taken over by an unknown entity.
There's also new comments under "Response to Prof. S" and "Response to Porten." One advantage of a blog is that the comments to previous posts can continue ad infinitum, leading to an ongoing discussion underneath the blog-surface. A disadvantage is that readers may not know about these new comments unless it's pointed out to them, because they're not inclined to re-read old posts.
Anyway, please stay tuned, same blog-time, same blog-channel.
February 21, 2006 in Previews | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack
A Bunch of Posts are Coming
I've been somewhat preoccupied, but tomorrow I will be posting much more than I have been today. Among other things, I will explain what I meant by this.
February 9, 2006 in Previews | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack
A Preview of Coming Attractions
Because the previous post on Academic Blogging was a major one, and because I am aware of law professor bloggers who intend to link to it tomorrow, I am going to refrain from moving it too far down with a bunch of new postings. Incidentally, I wish I knew how to enlarge the side margins of this blog, and I especially wish I could arrange for long posts to be turned into a few initial paragraphs followed by a "Continue Reading" link. That way interested readers could dive beneath the blog-surface, and the front page would not become one long stream of prose. Unfortunately my basic Typepad service does not seem to include these features, but perhaps I'm just ignorant of what's available. Any Typepad users who get the basic level of service, feel free to inform me if these features can be utilized. I suppose you could call this my first "bleg."
Here is what I plan on blogging about soon (if not tomorrow):
- This article from DC discussing legal practitioner blogs with their pros and cons.
- An explanation of how this Independent Study came to fruition.
- Links to more websites that have recommended 3L Epiphany, with the appropriate expressions of gratitude.
- A brief analysis of statistics indicating the origins of traffic to this site.
- Lessons learned from my first few days of blogging.
- A meta-blogging analogy from a lousy movie with a single brilliant scene.
So stay tuned...
February 6, 2006 in Previews | Permalink | Comments (2) | TrackBack