What Is Fair Use? Blog
The Chronicle of Higher Education profiles a blog created by Peter Friedman to supplement his legal analysis and writing class at Case Western: What Is Fair Use?
Hat tip to Adjunct Law Prof Blog. [JH]
May 2, 2008 in Law Faculty-Student Blogs | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack
Denver Law Faculty and Students to Blog the Nacchio Trial
Denver Law Prof Jay Brown is taking collaborative faculty-student blogging to new heights by providing daily coverage of the criminal trial of Joe Nacchio, the former CEO of Qwest Communications International at Race to the Bottom. Professor Brown writes that the Nacchio trial is "really the end of an era, the last big trial from the Enron days."
The trial is scheduled to begin today and is expected to last approximately 8 weeks. Students and faculty will rotate through each day of the trial with the expectation that there will be at least two posts a day. Take the RSS feed! [JH]
March 19, 2007 in Law Faculty-Student Blogs | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack
Faculty and Students Collaborate on Corporate Governance Blog
Race to the Bottom is probably the first effort by law faculty and students to collaborate on a topic in the blogosphere. The topic is corporate governance and the impact SOX has on governance practices. The blog, launched on Feb. 9, 2007, is run by Denver law prof J. Robert Brown and seven of his students. The blog has a companion website, Corporate Governance, which contains primary materials on important matters relating to corporate governance. The blog also contains an excellent selection of pertinent resources.
Race to the Bottom demonstrates how technology can be used by law faculty and students who want to pursue intellectual interests unhindered by law school administrative barriers. This use of web communications for student-faculty collaboration that produces "short form" scholarly analysis and commentary exemplifies the spirit of innovation seen in some of our law schools. One can only hope that more law professors and students follow the example set by Race to the Bottom.
Cross-posted on Law School Innovation. [JH]
March 1, 2007 in Law Faculty-Student Blogs | Permalink | Comments (1) | TrackBack