Firms notice legal knowledge and technical savvy of student law bloggers
A National Law Journal article observes that law student blogging may be ticket to getting a job. The article features Ian Best, founding editor of this blog. Check it out. [JH]
July 9, 2007 in Advice for Law Students | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack
Advice for Rising 2L’s
There is currently a large amount of advice in the blogosphere for incoming 1L’s. For example:
- Prof. Caron at TaxProf Blog has assembled an excellent collection here, which includes advice from several law professors.
- U. Mich. law student Kurt Hunt (creator of the Law Student Blogger Directory) has compiled a group of “1L Diaries.”
- New Texas law student “frillgirl” at loco delictis has an extensive collection of advice.
- There is an index of advice here at 3L Epiphany (scroll down), including this advice from members of the class of 2009.
However, I am aware of very little advice on the blogosphere that is directed towards rising 2L’s. In retrospect, with 20/20 hindsight (now that law school and the bar exam are over), I wish I had realized a few things at the beginning of my 2L year.
Here is my own advice for 2L’s:
The most important thing you can do at this moment is reconsider your schedule. Right now you still have a window of time in which you can add or drop classes. Although there are waiting lists, it is often possible to add a class that you couldn’t when you originally scheduled. So right now you need to plan ahead and consider your schedule for the next two years. Don’t just think about your 2L year, but consider a strategy for your 2L and 3L years. You are not bound by such a strategy, and can always make necessary changes, but you need to have a foundation that you can work from. In particular, this means balancing your credit load between your second and third years, and choosing the right classes (which will depend on your own goals and interests).
I strongly suggest, if at all possible, that you take more credits your second year, and fewer credits your third year. This advice will seem obvious to some, but many students prefer to have fewer credits their second year so they have more time and energy to focus on their studies after an overwhelming first year. I deliberately took a lighter load my second year for several reasons, which at the time seemed necessary. But in retrospect I wish I had added at least 1 or 2 credits each semester of my second year, so that my time would have been more flexible my third year.
Make your third year the year that you have a lower credit load, so that you are prepared for opportunities (whether work-related or school-related) that come up. For example, I received an unexpected job offer for the first semester of my 3L year (unexpected because I was applying for a summer job at the U.S. Attorney’s Office, and instead they offered me a Fall semester job, which I accepted). That first semester was an overwhelming amount of work, including a part-time job, a heavy credit load with very difficult classes, the writing of a Recent Development for journal, and family responsibilities. It would have been better for me to have taken one of those classes (or an equivalent) my 2L year.
I recommend that you add a credit here and there when possible. For example, if your school offers 1-credit classes during your Fall and Spring breaks (which are often pass/fail), take advantage of them. It may not seem like much at the time, but the credits will add up and you will alleviate the burden on your third year.
Taking more credits your second year will enable you to have more flexibility your third year. You will have greater freedom to take courses that interest you, because with fewer credits there will be fewer schedule conflicts. You will have more time for a clinic, an independent study project (such as 3L Epiphany), and/or a more substantial job. The value of having more time and greater flexibility in your third year cannot be overemphasized.
If you are able to add a class, then do so by making a careful assessment of your 1L experience. Are there any patterns that emerge? Did you do better in exam courses, or courses with written assignments? Did you do better on essay exams or multiple choice? Take all of this into consideration. If there is a professor that you “clicked” with, stick with him or her. Take courses that you know you will like because of the content, or because of the professor, and that are more likely to improve your GPA. I realize this advice might seem outdated since you have already scheduled your classes, but I offer it as a suggestion for 2L’s who have planned on taking a lighter credit load this coming year.
Just because you did not do so well in a general class does not preclude you from taking (and doing well) in a specialty class within that general topic. That is, if you didn’t do well in Property, but you think you would enjoy Eminent Domain, don’t talk yourself out of it. Other examples might be Torts and Products Liability, or Constitutional Law and 14th Amendment, etc. Take what interests you, and don’t assume you will not do as well based on your experience in one first year class.
Bar review after graduation will teach you what you need to know for the bar exam. Be careful of taking a course just because it’s on the bar, especially if there’s a good chance it will lower your GPA. BarBri does a more-than-adequate job of preparing you for the exam if you follow their schedule (I can’t vouch for other bar review courses). You only go through law school once, and it’s over before you know it, so be sure to enroll in classes that you really want to take. This obviously doesn’t mean you should avoid each and every bar course, but just make sure you are taking a well-rounded schedule that includes some classes you enjoy. (If you come back to this post in late October and the paragraph you are now reading has disappeared, you will know why.)
Don’t expect that a course on the schedule this year will be there next year. That is, if a course is offered in your second year, don’t assume that you can take it your third year instead. For this you should talk to the registrar, or the professor offering the course. I neglected to sign-up for a course my second year because it was a particular professor’s specialty, and I assumed he would be there my 3L year. Unfortunately the professor accepted a position at another law school, and I never got to take what would have been an excellent class.
One more piece of advice: This is an election year. If you are a political news junkie, schedule a specific time for paying attention to political news, and don’t let that time be open-ended. Watch the news or read political commentary for perhaps a ½ hour or an hour a day, and then don’t look at it again. If you come across an article that is a must-read and that takes you over the allotted time, table it for the next day. Don’t become preoccupied with current events, because they are simply too distracting. If you want to pay attention to politics, do so in a way that earns you credit (i.e. taking Election Law) or adds something to your resume.
Any readers who wish to leave more advice, or to agree/disagree with mine, should feel free in the comments.
August 23, 2006 in Advice for Law Students | Permalink | Comments (14) | TrackBack
Advice for the Incoming Class of 2009
The following is a collection of advice for incoming 1L’s who will soon be starting law school. This advice is from members of the graduating Class of 2006, Ohio State University (Moritz Law School), and is intended as a gift to the Moritz Class of 2009. The majority of the advice is also applicable to other law schools. More will be added soon.
1. Do not use your summer before law school to “study” – it’s your last chance to really RELAX for a bit.
2. Take class notes in outline format, so that creating an outline for the exam is easier at the end of the semester.
3. Do something you enjoy that’s not related to school for at least 20 minutes a day.
4. Don’t pay attention to other students’ study habits, grades, etc. – just focus on yourself.
- CH
1. Ask upper classmen about professors before signing up for random classes.
2. I used the Examples and Explanations Series for the code-based classes and found it extremely useful, since it had problems to work through.
3. After the first exam and especially after grades are in, make appointments with professors so you can talk about your exam, and what you can do to improve.
4. One of my professors told me the most important question when studying or writing an exam is to focus on “WHY” a particular rule applies rather than just stating the rule. I found this advice extremely helpful.
- AC
Don’t stress out. Have some fun, and don’t stress out.
- DY
1. If group studying doesn't work for you, DON'T join a study'll do just as well (if not better) by studying on your own, and asking your fellow students and/or professor if you don't understand things. If group studying doesn't work for you, and you join a study group anyway, your grades could suffer...
2. Law school is not as crazy competitive as people make it out to be. Sure, there are those students who excel at everything that they do, and there is definitely a lot of competition in terms of grades, but the stories about people cutting pages out of the books in the library and students who refuse to help their classmates have little basis in reality (at least at Ohio State). Relax.
3. Be nice to everyone. You should want to be nice to others anyway, but an added benefit is that the people you know in law school are the people who will send you referrals, or consult you in your area of expertise, etc., which could definitely benefit your practice in the long run.
4. Meet people outside the law school community. These are the people who could help you get jobs for the summer after your 2L year, or after graduation, and they're also a good source of referral business for after you graduate and pass the bar.
5. When it comes time to choose non-required classes (for your 2L and 3L years), consult as many upperclassmen as you can to find out what the professor and the course material are like. Don't just take the “bar” classes...chances are you'll forget the material by the time the bar rolls around anyway. Consider taking classes that interest you, although you should recognize that even the most "interesting" law school classes become tiresome after a few weeks...
- JK
Make sure that you get and stay connected with groups of people outside of the law school. Law school is a very different place, so it is good to be reminded that there is more out there than the law, law jobs, professors, and lawyers. It will help you keep perspective and realize that you are more than just a law student.
- SM
1. DO NOT listen to anyone around you about what classes are easy, what study strategies work, etc. It totally depends on who you are and what your abilities are. I made the mistake of listening to others my first year and my grades suffered. Just do what you think is best for you.
2. That being said, here is what worked for me (I'm science/math-minded and highly detail-oriented, so those of you who are literary should go somewhere else for advice:)):
3. For outlining, don't worry so much about learning the facts of the cases. The important thing is the rule. Your outline should be an organized list of rules and how to apply them, not a list of cases and what they say.
4. For studying, just don't. When you are preparing for an exam, if it is open book, the best policy is to have a reasonably detailed outline with lots of tabs so you can find the subject matter at issue. This way, you don't get as nervous and you are sure to get the rule correct. If the exam is closed-book, this does not work. You'll just have to learn the stuff.
5. For exam-taking, it took me 3 years to figure out how to take law school essay exams. I'm still not that great at them (I'm much better at multiple choice). The best advice that I can give is every sentence is in the question for a reason. Pull out as many issues as you can. Don't make the same mistake as me in picking out one issue and writing pages on it. Instead, do a cursory review of as many issues as you see and have time for. This will get you the most points.
6. For participating in class, don't sweat it. Just do your best. The professors are generally understanding. As long as you can show that you read the case, they are not going to slaughter you.
7. As far as journal goes, it is very rewarding, but a lot of work. I would not recommend it for people who are not detail-oriented and who do not like to read. Being on journal gave me lots of extra opportunities, but failing to join journal will not damn you to a life of working as a Kroger cashier. It is not a make-or-break issue. So, if you don't want to apply, or you are not accepted to a journal, do not worry about it.
8. Law school is extremely daunting. It can be stressful and it is a lot of work. But, don't let that get you down. Just because you aren't at the top of the class doesn't make you any less awesome. Everyone finds their niche and you will too.
9. Finally, for those of you who end up lucky enough to be in the top of the class, don't let that go to your head. So what if you can take a law school exam? That is not a skill that is useful in life. Be humble and don't rub people's faces in your success. By the second or third year, your classmates will have caught up to you anyways and shown their success in ways outside of grades.
- MB
Make as many friends as possible. Your classmates will provide the base for your professional network, an asset that will follow you the rest of your career.
- CM
1. Take in the advice you get from professors, upper class students, and others, but don't forget about what you know works for you. Realize that after the first semester or year a lot of students stop reading cases or stop writing case briefs, but many continue. Don't be afraid to experiment with different study methods and class preparation methods and do what works for you. For some people they work best if they read every night, brief every case, and prepare course outlines throughout the semester. Some people work better studying in groups, some by themselves. Some work better not reading (unless you're on call) and instead studying from notes taken in class. Don't feel pressured to think there's any "right" way to study or prepare. You know yourself and your learning style better than anybody. That being said it may be wise to follow conventional wisdom and read the assignments and brief the first few cases until you get the hang of things. But then do what you feel works best for you.
2. The LexisNexis Understanding Series was very helpful for me. It reads more like a college textbook than a law school case book. It's helpful for getting an overview of the black letter law, summary of important cases, and provides the important policy arguments.
3. Take advantage of as many opportunities as you can without overwhelming yourself. Consider journal, moot court, externships, work opportunities, independent studies, and clinical opportunities. Don't feel like you have to do everything but try and get as much experience as you can.
4. Meet with the career development office to get someone to proof read your resume and cover letters. Keep your resumes updated.
5. Try to balance your work and school schedules. Think about how much writing or how much of a time commitment a given class or opportunity will take. Second year consider the fact that you'll have app ad [Appellate Advocacy] to deal with. It wouldn't necessarily be a great idea to add a seminar and an independent study plus work on top of that. Just be mindful of how different areas of your life will interact with each other.
6. The mock interview program through the career development office is a great way to get some feedback and to network. It's nice to get some feedback before you begin the interview process.
7. Keep an open mind about what practice areas you'd like to consider. Talk to professors and practicing attorneys. Ask questions about what the subject area is like and about what the work environment is like. Some practice areas may sound interesting but you may not like the work environment of the type of firms or agencies that typically practice in that area.
8. Take really, really good notes. Writing things down word for word isn't necessarily necessary but it can't hurt! For me nothing was more helpful with exam preparation than studying from really good notes.
- Anon
1. I wish I had talked to more upperclassmen about scheduling. Classes like seminars, clinics, trial practice, etc. are all graded VERY differently than standard classes. Had I known this earlier, I would have taken more.
2. Don’t focus so much on what you SHOULD take, focus on what you WANT to take. Bar review courses are your friend. If you don’t have any interest in sales or secured transactions, don’t take it. You will do much better in classes that you don’t hate.
3. No matter what the professor says, issue spotting is generally what they want.
- DD
1. The summer before law school, read “Law School Confidential” just to get an idea about what you are getting into, and to get a good idea of timelines for what to do during your schooling (in terms of your job search). Particularly if your parents aren't lawyers, this book is helpful to get a general idea of how to study, what professors are looking for, how to outline, and law school terminology.
2. Sign up for Bar/Bri your first year. The outlines that you receive with the First Year Review will be helpful for exams AND, more importantly, since the price of Bar/Bri goes up EVERY YEAR, you will save yourself hundreds of dollars later. It does NOT matter if you do not know where you will be taking the bar exam. It is easy to transfer to another state and does not cost additional $$ to do so. And, if you put $175 down (or whatever the current rate is), you will lock in this year's price in ALL other states.
3. Try to be a Bar/Bri Rep. to save you lots of $$ your second and third years.
4. First semester, do lots of informational interviews with lawyers in town in order to get an idea of what you would like to do (and to make good contacts).
5. Be sure to visit at least one or two of your professors first year during their office hours. This will help build a connection that you will later need for recommendation purposes.
6. Get outlines for your classes from upper-class students who had the SAME professor for the SAME class to help you to outline during the semester. But, ALWAYS make your own outline.
7. Use Career Services when you are able to. With the new staff, it is now EXTREMELY helpful.
8. Go to SBA's tutoring sessions first year to be sure that you are on track with what your professor will be looking for on the exam.
9. View past exams by your professor before taking the exams. Maybe go over the exam with other students in your class.
10. Remember to have a LIFE outside of law school. First year, you should take AT LEAST one whole day off per week.
11. Before scheduling for second year, sit down with some upper-classmen and ask their advice on professors and classes to take. But be sure that those students also liked the same professors as you previously. Ask as many upper-classmen as you can so that you get a wide-variety of opinions.
12. If grades are important to you, after your first year assess whether you did better on: papers, open-book exams, closed-book exams, multiple choice exams, essay exams or take-home exams. Then register for classes in which the grade is based upon the testing style that you do best in (this will be listed on the course description page).
13. Read the Moritz e-Record and Registrar’s Blog AT LEAST once a week to keep up with important dates and info.
14. I highly recommend supplements for classes. Try them out in the library or borrow an upper-classman's before buying your own. Examples & Explanations are good for rule-based classes because you can test your knowledge. The Understanding Series by Lexis is helpful for policy/theory based classes.
15. Log into Lexis & Westlaw EVERY DAY to save up points to buy things for yourself once in a while - including textbooks. I bought several textbooks, iTunes, and even an iPod over the past few years with these points.
16. Buy USED textbooks from upper-classmen or online. They are MUCH cheaper than the bookstore, and why re-invent the wheel –- if someone else already highlighted and put notes in the book (even if they were wrong), it can help you read a little faster.
17. Do not limit where you will work your first or second summers; apply everywhere - as it's better to have more options than to foreclose an option by not applying.
18. Consider working for the federal government. It pays better than state government, there are offices all over the country and you can work 9 - 5pm. And, you can do ANY kind of law working for the gov't - from Con. Law to Labor & Employment to Securities Law. The deadlines are really early, but the follow-up is really slow. So, apply early and use it as a backup option if you want.
19. Do not join a study group too early first semester. Wait until at least after fall break before considering one. And, they are NOT necessary, just helpful to some.
- JH
It gets better with each passing year. Don’t listen to the hype from your professors and colleagues. Be true to yourself – don’t think you need to have a huge firm job to be happy. Friendships are just as important as grades.
- Anon
1. If you're not sure about law school and pursuing a career as a lawyer, reconsider law school NOW, seriously.
2. Your 1L grades really do matter, A LOT. Don't listen to people who say they don't.
3. Unless you like getting to school before 7:30 am, get a garage parking pass. It's worth $500 to get 2 hrs of extra sleep per day. You will need it.
4. Make friends with 2L's and 3L's, and join student organizations. Among other things, they can help you understand courses they've already taken.
5. Don't use a rolling bag to carry your books unless it serves a justified purpose (i.e. medical necessity).
6. Don't get in a habit of eating the free pizza from meetings everytime you see it, unless you want to gain 20 lbs. over the next 3 yrs.
- DA
May 11, 2006 in Advice for Law Students | Permalink | Comments (5) | TrackBack
Frontload the Bar Application and MPRE
I’ve dispensed advice to 1L’s previously here (although not my own, but that of three professors). I’d like to offer one more very important piece of advice to 1L’s, 2L’s, and future law students:
Frontload the non-academic responsibilities as much as you can. That is, when you have some obligation coming your way that you can put off until next year, resist the urge to wait and do it as early as possible. Get things out of the way quickly, despite not having the time. I’m talking in particular about applying for the Bar exam, and taking the MPRE. It’s better to get these things out of the way early.
Right now I am studying for the MPRE (which I will take Saturday), and I sincerely regret not taking it last summer or last semester. I also wish that I had begun registering for the Bar last year, because I began this semester completely preoccupied with filling out the initial application, which takes a long time and can be a lot of work (i.e. finding out the addresses of all your previous residences going back many years).
Of course the problem with law school is that you are always overwhelmed and under a lot of pressure, so it seems very reasonable to put things off until you can handle them. But if you expect there to be “more time” next year, it’s probably not going to happen. So grit your teeth and get things out of the way as they come. You’ll be thankful in the long run. Advice from someone who regrets, and who envies the people that planned ahead.
March 7, 2006 in Advice for Law Students | Permalink | Comments (1) | TrackBack
More Advice for 1L’s
Someone came here via Google by searching for “Advice for 1L’s.” This brought the reader to my post on 1L Blues. That same Google search also led to other helpful blog posts. I am listing a collection here from Letters of Marque. While it is mainly intended for 1L’s who are just beginning law school, it is still valid for students already proceeding full-speed ahead. I originally was going to copy and paste the items one by one, but after searching for most of them I found out that Blawg Wisdom already did the work for me here a year-and-a-half ago.
Heidi at Letters of Marque begins each post with the appropriate caveat that this is not “advice,” but simply a description of what worked for her. However, she clearly knows what she’s talking about, and her suggestions and experiences are well worth paying attention to. While I won’t necessarily endorse every single thing she says, I suspect that her first-year GPA is higher than mine. So here’s the collection:
2. Reading a law school case (for the first time)
3. What to get from your classes
6. Ladies and Gentleman, start your outlines
7. What's a "blueprint" anyways?
8. An incomplete list of generalized tips
9. The use of subjective knee-jerk reactions in law school
10. Exam Tips 1: Why IRAC Sucks
11. Exam Tips 2: Approaching the Question
12. Exam Tips 3: What you should get out of practice exams
February 21, 2006 in Advice for Law Students | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack
Sleep, and New Advice
I received a visit from an OSU law student last night at 3:27 am. I'm assuming it's an OSU student because of the domain name and the referral. The student came here via the Moritz Registrar’s blog.
3:27 am? Friend, get some sleep. Study hard, yes, but don't kill yourself. Of course, you may have had an assignment due today, or any number of things. I've certainly been there. Just don't do that too often, or for too many days in a row, unless you have some way to rejuvenate.
Maybe you were just watching late-night TV, and decided to check the Registrar's blog. That's a good habit.
This reminds me of one important piece of advice that 1L Blues failed to mention. It's actually more important than all the other advice: Be friendly to the Registrar's office! Not only do the two “wonder-women” deserve it for all their hard work, but treating them with kindness will pay dividends later on, because they know all...
And they see all...
February 14, 2006 in Advice for Law Students | Permalink | Comments (1) | TrackBack
"1L Blues": Advice and Encouragement for 1L's
I am posting some advice from three OSU professors for 1L’s who recently received their grades. It’s called “1L Blues.” This advice should be regarded as student notes from an informal lecture, rather than a document created by the professors. I have received permission from the professors to post this, but it is not formal or official advice. These are student notes of informal advice spoken to a group of 1L’s at an optional lunch time gathering.
I would like to thank Professors Berman, Cohen, and Greenbaum for allowing me to do this. I would also like to thank 1L’s Pamela Bridgeport for taking these notes, and Larry Lanham for arranging this at the last minute.
Here is a brief introduction to “1L Blues,” after which the entire document is available for downloading.
This is an annual event at Moritz after 1L grades come out, which was started by Prof. Doug Whaley about 25 years ago.
The goal of this time is to:
1. Put your grades in perspective.
2. Consider how to improve exam performance.
3. Recognize there are other keys to success if grades aren’t your “golden ticket.”
4. Talk a bit about how to maintain a balance between life and work in law school.
Update: If any 1L's at other schools know of other online resources similar to this one, especially from your own schools, please let me know and I will link to them here.
February 12, 2006 in Advice for Law Students | Permalink | Comments (5) | TrackBack
Advice on Transferring and Other Matters
Here is advice on transferring law schools from Jeremy Richey (via Blawg Wisdom, a site I learned of via Ambivalent Imbroglio). The subject of transferring is outside of my expertise, but the advice sounds good for people who are thinking about it.
There’s also advice on Blawg Wisdom about handling your grades, submitting writing samples, and other topics.
Something I intend to do over the weekend is post some student notes from an advice session held by three OSU professors, for students who have the “1L Blues” after getting their grades. The advice is excellent (although not official), and I will post it soon after some more brief editing.
Thanks also to Ambivalent Imbroglio and Jeremy Richey for the links. There are other law student bloggers who have linked to me, and I’ll try to refer readers to them when I can. Besides just returning a favor (whether it's considered a favor or not), it is also a demonstration of the strange loop-de-loop world of the blogosphere, which is a theme I intend to discuss a lot on this blog. (“Please don’t,” comes the reply. I know. But I have to.)
February 10, 2006 in Advice for Law Students | Permalink | Comments (1) | TrackBack