Survey of Academic Library Blogs

List of IHEs covered in Crawford's Academic Library Blogs: 231 Examples and sample entries are available in the February 2008 issue of Cites & Insights [PDF and HTML]. [JH]

Academic Library Blogs: 231 Examples
Walt Crawford

289 pages, 2008
Paperback: $29.95 | PDF Download: $20 | Available from Lulu

Description: The purpose of this book is to guide you to blogs that you might find useful when thinking about your own library’s case—blogs from nearby libraries, blogs from institutions you regard as similar, or blogs that specialize in topics or work in ways that you’ll find interesting. Most of this book is examples: 231 blogs from 156 institutions of higher education in the United States, Canada, Australia, Botswana, England, Greece, Ireland, New Zealand, Scotland and Wales, arranged geographically.

February 15, 2008 in Academic Blogging | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack

Can Blogging Derail Your Academic Career?

In previous posts we've noted that blogging may be a plus for one's career. For students, that is. For academics, well, The Chronicle asked seven academic bloggers to weigh in on the Juan Cole case and on the hazards of academic blogging. A critic of the Iraq War and the treatment of Palestinians, Cole is a University of Michigan professor of modern Middle East and South Asian history who was not offered a tenured position at Yale despite recommendations from two departments. No reason for the decision given; was it because of the opinions he expressed in his blog?  Read more about it. [JH]

August 13, 2007 in Academic Blogging | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack

Court Opinion Cites to Blog Posts and Open Source Legal Scholarship

UCLA Law Prof, long-time blogger, and renowned wine connoisseur Stephen Bainbridge found the following in Chancellor William Chandler's In re Tyson Foods Shareholder Litigation opinion:

Academic commentary on the relationship between spring-loading and insider trading is decidedly mixed. See, e.g., Victor Fleischer, Options Backdating, Tax Shelters, and Corporate Culture 9 n.27 (Univ. of Colo. Legal Studies Working Paper Series, Working Paper No. 06-38, 2006), available at; Stephen Bainbridge, Spring-loaded Options and Insider Trading, on, (July 10, 2006) (presenting argument of Iman Anabtawi that spring-loaded options constitute a form of insider trading or breach of fiduciary duty); Larry E. Ribstein, Options and Insider Trading, on Ideoblog, (July 11, 2006) (refuting Anabtawi’s insider trading argument).

Bainbridge writes "I offer this ... as further support for my belief that legal academics who are interested in affected judges and practicing lawyers need to blog. I believe legal academic blogging is creating a very important feedback loop between the bench/bar and the academy."

NB: The above quote also references to open source scholarship posted on SSRN. Hat tip to Ian Best. [JH]

February 20, 2007 in Academic Blogging | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack

From Blog to Book: Saddam on Trial

I have received a complimentary copy of Saddam on Trial: Understanding and Debating the Iraqi High Tribunal. It was written by Prof. Michael Scharf and Prof. Greg McNeal of Case Western Reserve University School of Law, along with other contributors. A press release about the book is here. (Not that it’s relevant, but I went to Case for undergraduate.)


This is probably the very first time that a compilation of essays from a legal academic blog has been turned into a book. The essays first appeared at Grotian Moment: The Saddam Hussein Trial Blog, and have been edited and updated for the print publication.


It is very refreshing to see the contents of an academic blog being turned into (and thus recognized as) a scholarly publication. Of course I would argue that the Grotian Moment blog was a scholarly publication to begin with, contra this professor. Hopefully Saddam on Trial will become the first “blog-to-book” initiative among many in the 21st century legal academy. Readers who are interested in the Saddam trial can order the book here. 


Update: Originally I said that this was probably the first time essays from “an academic blog” had been turned into a book. I changed it to “a legal academic blog” because I was informed of at least one earlier example: the linguists at Language Log have turned many of their blog posts into a book entitled Far From the Madding Gerund. The book is advertised on the right margin of their blog. If readers know of any other examples of academic blogs becoming books, please let us know in the comments.

October 26, 2006 in Academic Blogging | Permalink | Comments (1) | TrackBack

A New Blog on Law School Innovation

An exciting new blog has been launched, devoted to Law School Innovation. It is being headed up by Prof. Doug Berman of Sentencing Law and Policy fame, and will include other contributors as well. I sincerely hope that LSI provokes many beneficial discussions about how to modernize the current system of legal education. The initial posts and reader comments show a lot of promise, and are highly recommended: 

October 25, 2006 in Academic Blogging, Law School | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack

Academic Blogging News

A couple of news items on the academic blogging front:


1. The Northwestern University Law Review has begun a new law journal blog. I learned of this via Sentencing Law and Policy. The list of blogs and online extensions by law journals now include: 


2. Prof. Daniel Solove has completed a new Law Professor Blogger Census. This is Census version 5.1, and has over 300 law professor bloggers. The list is divided up by schools. The Census introduction and law schools A-M are here, and law schools N-Z are here.


The introduction contains a lot of useful information, charting the growth of professor blogs since the first census was taken, and noting which schools have the most blogs. One aspect of the Census worth mentioning is how many law professor bloggers are in the Midwest. I'm not able to verify this now, but my guess is that if the U.S. is divided up into traditional regions (New England, Mid-Atlantic, South, Midwest, Southwest, and West), there are more law prof bloggers in the Midwest than anywhere else. This is a slightly unfair method of categorization, since not all regions have as many law schools, and the Midwest includes the Chicago Law Faculty Blog with its 16 bloggers.


Many of the more respected and scholarly law prof blogs are located in the Midwest, including:

If anyone has the time and inclination to break up the blogs (or bloggers) in the Census into regions, please make your results known in the comments and I will post about it later. There are different ways of breaking up the states into regions, but this one appears representative of the typical designations.

October 13, 2006 in Academic Blogging | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack

Blogging as Scholarship: The Debate Continues

I wrote previously about the collection of essays on “The Future of Legal Scholarship” at the Yale Law Journal Pocket Part, several of which focused on blogging. The collection has since been updated with two new essays:

I quoted Prof. Brooks on a previous occasion here, because of her blog post that stated, “[T]he vast majority of law review articles are read by few people, and cited by even fewer.” Prof. Brooks suggested that it was time for her to say goodbye to law reviews. Now she writes in her essay at the Pocket Part:

The very existence of the Pocket Part testifies to the nature of the changes the Internet has brought. Once, we all waited patiently for The Yale Law Journal to arrive at the library; now, we read half the articles in advance on SSRN and the rest when they show up on the Journal’s website. And as legal blogs have proliferated, we can all produce and read real-time analysis of court decisions, legislation, and political events. Who would wait to open a law journal next year to see what Jack Balkin thinks about Hamdan v. Rumsfeld, when we can find out right now by reading his blog?


At the Harvard Law School conference on blogs and legal scholarship, mentioned above, conference participants disagreed about some particulars, but few of them questioned the premise that the Internet is, indeed, transforming legal scholarship. The participants agreed that we will see more and more “short form” legal scholarship, ranging from the thirty-page essays that law journals print but also make available online, to the few-thousand word pieces in the Pocket Part, to blog entries of a few paragraphs. For practitioners, students, and even many other scholars, these developments will make legal scholarship far more useful, accessible, and user friendly. (I’ll leave for another day—or another commentator—the question of whether scholarship will be less deep in a world of more frequent but smaller units of scholarship).      

The second essay, by Prof. Leiter, gives the skeptical perspective on legal blogging as scholarship:

Of course, there is another culprit in this story, namely, the blogs themselves. If the leading law blogs were written only by the leading scholars, the availability cascades that occur would be more likely to raise, rather than lower, the level of scholarly discussion. But that is, unsurprisingly, not the case. The most visible and highly trafficked law-related blogs have one, and only one, thing in common: they were started relatively early in the “blog boom,” that is, in 2001 or 2002. (Many, but not all, also tilt noticeably to the right.) Latecomers, like the Becker-Posner Blog or the University of Chicago Law Faculty Blog, which generally have much higher intellectual content, get nothing like the traffic of the early arrivals. As the economists like to say, the “barriers to entry” to the Internet in general, and the “blogosphere” in particular, are low, and not just in monetary terms. One need not be a good scholar, or an intellectual heavyweight, to have a blog, and if one got into the blog game early enough, one can thrive, especially with an audience of non-expert consumers.

The following quote from Prof. Leiter’s essay strikes me as unsupportable: “The most visible and highly trafficked law-related blogs have one, and only one, thing in common: they were started relatively early in the "blog boom," that is, in 2001 or 2002. (Many, but not all, also tilt noticeably to the right.)” Most of the blogs which have received the greatest number of citations from court cases and law review articles (which I would consider proof of visibility) do not fit Prof. Leiter’s description of starting early or tilting noticeably to the right. Most of these blogs began after 2002, and they contain a variety of political viewpoints (or are apolitical in nature).


To be specific, the blogs which have been cited the most are Balkinization, The Becker-Posner Blog, How Appealing, Legal Theory Blog, Leiter Reports (no right-leaners there!), Lessig Blog, Patently-O: Patent Law Blog,, SCOTUS Blog, Sentencing Law and Policy,  The Volokh Conspiracy and White Collar Crime Prof Blog. Not only are they visible (hence their being cited), but many receive high amounts of traffic. In my opinion, these twelve legal blogs represent a new, legitimate, and respectable form of scholarship.


Eventually, the citation of blogs in court cases and law review articles will no longer be considered a novel development. Instead, it will be just as valid and worthwhile to ask which law review articles are being cited by blogs, and which court cases are attracting the most attention in the legal, scholarly blogosphere.


(As an aside, please note via this important correction that the Yale Pocket Part came into existence before the Harvard Forum.)

October 9, 2006 in Academic Blogging | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack

Blogging and the Future of Legal Scholarship

There is a fascinating collection of essays on “The Future of Legal Scholarship” at the Yale Law Journal Pocket Part, all of which are written by law professors who blog. The essays explore the ways in which the online world is changing the nature of legal scholarship.


The essays are:

I learned of them via this post by Prof. Vladeck at PrawfsBlawg. It is worth pointing out that the print version (pdf) of Prof. Vladeck’s article has 39 footnotes (including 2 citations to 3L Epiphany), while the digital version contains active hyperlinks and thus requires no footnotes at all.

September 7, 2006 in Academic Blogging, Blogs and Law Reviews | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack

Blogging the Harvard Bloggership Conference

I attended the Harvard Conference on “Bloggership” last Friday, which was a fascinating event. It was wonderful to meet these bloggers in person and listen to their ideas. Prof. Paul Caron of TaxProf Blog deserves great credit for organizing the conference, and I’d also like to thank him for inviting me.


I have collected a group of blog posts which discuss the conference. The posts are in reverse chronological order unless they specifically follow the day’s events. I include the blogger’s name where it is not obvious. Readers who are aware of missing blog posts can add them in the comments.


Althouse (Prof. Ann Althouse)

Brian Leiter’s Law School Reports

Concurring Opinions (Prof. Daniel J. Solove)

The Conglomerate (Prof. Christine Hurt)

The Conglomerate (Prof. Gordon Smith) (Prof. Michael Froomkin)

eon (Prof. Charles R. Nesson)

How Appealing (Howard Bashman)

Instapundit (Prof. Glenn Reynolds)

Is That Legal? (Prof. Eric Muller)

Kenneth Anderson’s Law of War and Just War Theory Blog

The Legal Janitor (Si Han Xu, Singapore)

Legal Theory Blog (Prof. Lawrence Solum)

Opinio Juris (Prof. Roger Alford)

Orin Kerr

Sentencing Law and Policy (Prof. Doug Berman)

Technology and Marketing Law Blog (Prof. Eric Goldman)

Timothy K. Anderson

The Volokh Conspiracy (Prof. Jim Lindgren)

April 30, 2006 in Academic Blogging | Permalink | Comments (1)

Academic Blogging Reminder

When I first began 3L Epiphany I compiled a collection of posts on Academic Blogging from 21 different blogs. This was followed by Addendums 1 and 2. These posts discuss whether blogging can be considered academic scholarship. It seems appropriate to remind readers about this collection in the wake of the Bloggership Symposium at Harvard Law School on Friday. For the related topic of how blogs compare to traditional law reviews, see this index.

April 25, 2006 in Academic Blogging | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack

3L Epiphany Gets Cited in Four Academic Papers

I will be attending the Bloggership Symposium at Harvard this Friday. The papers of the participants have already been posted here. It was extremely gratifying to learn that four of the papers cited 3L Epiphany. Those papers are:

Much thanks, professors!


It is worth pointing out that I have been blogging at 3L Epiphany for only three months, yet I've now been cited in four academic papers by well-known law professor bloggers. On the other hand, the case note that I wrote for law journal took more than a year to write, edit, and publish. It is still not in print and so it has not been cited once by anyone. If my case note has been read at all, it is because I've already posted it on my blog at Footnote 123 (with an explanation here).


Blogging is not an elixir, but its advantages over traditional forms of publishing are obvious and extraordinary.

April 24, 2006 in Academic Blogging | Permalink | Comments (1) | TrackBack

New Census of Law Professor Bloggers

Prof. Daniel Solove, of Concurring Opinions, has posted a new Law Professor Blogger Census. This is the most current and thorough list of law professor bloggers online. According to this update, the list includes 235 law professor bloggers.

Prof. Solove breaks the bloggers down into schools,and compiles some useful statistics about blog growth, blog additions and subtractions, and the gender of professor bloggers.

I used a previous version of Prof. Solove’s census for this post on a Futuristic Summer Job, which led to responses from several law professors here.

March 17, 2006 in Academic Blogging, Blog Collections | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack

What about Academic Blogging in Business Schools?

Blogger David Tufte (whom I envy for living near Zion National Park, one of my favorites) writes about whether blogging constitutes scholarship from a business school perspective. Also, Mr. Tufte informed me of a Crooked Timber post that I missed here, which will join the other four on this list if/when I revise the collection.

At 3L Epiphany I have obviously focused on academic blogging within legal academia, but I am very curious about similar conversations taking place within graduate, business and medical schools. (For example, I referred here to one graduate student’s article in the Chronicle of Higher Education entitled Do Not Fear the Blog.) The debate within the legal academy over whether high-quality blogging is a legitimate form of scholarship would surely be enriched by similar conversations taking place among other professional disciplines.

March 1, 2006 in Academic Blogging | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack

Article: Blogging Law Profs Assault Ivory Tower

This article from The National Law Journal, Blogging Law Profs Assault Ivory Tower, discusses blogging by law professors and the controversy over whether it constitutes scholarship.

Prof. Caron of TaxProf Blog (who is quoted in the article) has collected numerous responses from law professor bloggers here.

As a reminder, my previous collection of blog posts and articles on the topic of Academic Blogging is here.

February 28, 2006 in Academic Blogging, Blog Articles | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack

Addendum 2 to Academic Blogging

Here are four more excellent blog posts on Academic Blogging, from Chuck Tryon at The Chutry Experiment.

The fourth post is a response to the infamous (and pseudonymous) Prof. Tribble, and is thus added to the responses mentioned here.

February 24, 2006 in Academic Blogging | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack

Addendum to Academic Blogging

Here are a couple of other articles on the subject of Academic Blogging that were not in the original list:

Rebecca’s article is one of several reacting to the pseudonymous Prof. Tribble, who criticized academic blogs here and here. Reactions from professor-bloggers to Tribble's articles are here, here, here, and here. In my collection of posts and articles on Academic Blogging, Prof. Tribble’s articles appear under the “Chronicle of Higher Education,” and the four posts from (non-law) professors are under “Cliopatra et al.”

I am currently seeking new articles and blog posts on the topic of “Academic Blogging,” especially concerning the matter of whether blogging is a legitimate form of scholarship. (My personal opinion is easy to guess.) Readers may feel free to suggest additions in the Comments.

February 24, 2006 in Academic Blogging | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack

New Introduction to Academic Blogging Collection

A consistent theme of 3L Epiphany is that blogs are superior to traditional forms of legal scholarship in a multitude of ways. For this reason, I have:

But most importantly, I collected numerous blog posts and online articles on the topic of "Academic Blogging" and made them available as an online resource. One of the advantages of a blog is that it can assemble a tremendous amount of material from different places, localize them in one spot, and make them instantly available to the reader. But a counteracting disadvantage is that the localized collection can disappear from view as new material is added to the hosting blog.

The collection on "Academic Blogging" is one example of how a conversation in the blogosphere can be compiled, organized and structured. (And this matter of blogospheric structure is another theme of 3L Epiphany.) Yet the difficulty a reader would have in locating such a collection, even on this very blog where it was first displayed, manifests a limitation to the medium that will need to be addressed if blogging is to become a sophisticated form of academic scholarship.

Because a new Wall Street Journal article on law reviews has reinvigorated the discussion over whether blogging is an acceptable medium for legal scholarship, I am re-posting the entire compendium on "Academic Blogging" below. My hope is that new readers will discover and appreciate the insights offered by all of this diverse material. I believe that the compendium itself is a prime example of the advantages blogs enjoy over traditional scholarship, including law reviews.

In the context of the WSJ article, I would single out three articles from the collection as being particularly on-point regarding the relationship between blogs and law reviews. These articles are:

I have re-posted "Academic Blogging" below in three separate sections to avoid formatting difficulties. Unfortunately the section numbers are reversed from the numbers in the URL's (another blogging frustration). If readers would like the collection as one complete post, they can go to the original here. The sections of the re-posted version are listed here:

Academic Blogging

February 23, 2006 in Academic Blogging | Permalink | Comments (1) | TrackBack

Academic Blogging (1)

[Originally posted on Feb. 5, 2006:]

I have compiled a collection of blog posts and articles on the subject of “Academic Blogging.” I have divided them up according to the blog or online journal in which they appeared, and then followed blog protocol by listing them in reverse chronological order. The majority of the blog posts are from law professor “blawgs,” but a few are from other academic disciplines.

I fully realize that this collection, completed two weeks ago, is already outdated and that there are new discussions going on. But I believe that this compendium indicates the growing importance and sophistication of the legal academic blogosphere. In this context it is relevant to ask whether law student blogs will also achieve greater respectability, and contribute something of value to legal scholarship.

My intention is to demonstrate the value in organizing and structuring conversations from the blogosphere. These blog posts and articles offer extremely significant insights into the nature of academic blogging. This compendium fixes these insights into one readily accessible location, so that this resource can provide a foundation for future discussions.

I have also made available a Word document for downloading, containing all of the posts and articles with their URL's. I would like to thank the professors who contributed to this project and who offered me further suggestions. 


February 23, 2006 in Academic Blogging | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack

Academic Blogging (2)

Academic Blogging

A Collection of Blog Posts and Articles

I. American Constitution Society Blog

Bridging the Divide Between the Blogsphere and Law Reviews, Liz Aloi (Oct. 29, 2005): link

II. Althouse

Where are the women lawprof bloggers?, Ann Althouse (Jan. 09, 2006): link

Blogging: is it serious or fun?, Ann Althouse (Aug. 2, 2005): link 

Academic blog controversies, Ann Althouse (Nov. 16, 2005): link

III. Balkinization

More Proof that Blogging Can Be a Form of Scholarship, Jack Balkin (Sept. 29, 2005): link

IV. Becker-Posner Blog

Introduction to the Becker-Posner Blog, Richard Posner (Dec. 5, 2004): link 

V. The Chronicle of Higher Education

The Blogosphere as a Carnival of Ideas, Henry Farrell (Oct. 7, 2005): link

They Shoot Messengers, Don’t They?, Ivan Tribble (pseud.) (Sept. 2, 2005): link

Bloggers Need Not Apply, Ivan Tribble (pseud.) (July 8, 2005): link

VI. Cliopatria et al [History]

My Colleagues Speak Up…, Ralph E. Luker (Sept. 14, 2005): link

The Tribble Fall-Out, and what we can do about it, Rebecca Goetz (Sept. 13, 2005): link

Me and Professor Tribble, Mark Grimsley (Sept. 5, 2005): link

More Tribble, More Troubles, Miriam Burstein (Sept. 4, 2005): link

VII. Concurring Opinions

Blogging Without Tenure, Daniel J. Solove (Jan. 9, 2006): link 

Blog Posts: Conversation or Publication?, Daniel J. Solove (Nov. 1, 2005): link 

Editing the Blogosphere, Daniel J. Solove (Oct. 30, 2005): link 

Why Blogging Is Good, Daniel J. Solove (Oct. 6, 2005): link 

VIII. Conglomerate

(Sigh) Women & Blogging, Part 72, Christine Hurt (Jan. 8, 2006): link

To Delete or Not to Delete?, Christine Hurt (Oct. 30, 2005): link

Improving on the Perfection of Blogs, Christine Hurt (Aug. 2, 2005): link

IX. Crooked Timber

Blogging and Tenure, Henry Farrell (Jan. 10, 2006): link 

Academic Blogging, Brian Weatherson (Sept. 14, 2005): link 

Blogging and Academic Jobs, Henry Farrell (Sept. 14, 2005): link 

X. DanielDrezner [Political Science]

So I See There’s An Article in Slate, Daniel Drezner (Nov. 18, 2005): link 

So Friday was a Pretty Good Day…, Daniel Drezner (Nov. 5, 2005): link 

Seven Days Later…, Daniel Drezner (Oct. 14, 2005): link

So Friday Was a Pretty Bad Day, Daniel Drezner (Oct. 8, 2005): link 

Grad students: no blogs allowed, Daniel Drezner (July 8, 2005): link 

Can academics be bloggers? Daniel Drezner (Mar. 13, 2005): link 

Here Goes Nothing, Daniel Drezner (Sept. 10, 2002): link 

XI. Ideoblog

Blogging: distraction from what?, Larry Ribstein (Jan. 9, 2006): link 

Blogging and scholarly productivity, Larry Ribstein (Oct. 11, 2005): link 

Blogging, tenure and the incentives of tenure committees, Larry Ribstein (Oct. 11, 2005): link 

The Drezner tenure denial, Larry Ribstein (Oct. 11, 2005): link

Do Bloggers Just Want to Have Fun?, Larry Ribstein (Aug. 2, 2005): link 

Blogging and tenure, Larry Ribstein (June 22, 2005): link 

Blogging as academic publishing, Larry Ribstein (Apr. 12, 2005): link 

February 23, 2006 in Academic Blogging | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack

Academic Blogging (3)

XII. Insider Higher

Notes from the Underground, Scott McLemee (Jan. 18, 2006): link 

XIII. Instapundit

Blogging and Legal Scholarship, Glenn Reynolds (Jan. 8, 2006): link 

Misconceptions, Glenn Reynolds (Sept. 6, 2004): link 

Can a Blog Entry Count as Scholarship, Glenn Reynolds (June 17, 2003): link 

Little Things, Glenn Reynolds (Tech Central Station) (Feb. 20, 2002): link 

XIV. [Anthropology]

Hawks in Slate on blogging and tenure, John Hawks (Nov. 17, 2005): link 

XV. Legal Theory Blog

Blogging, Legal Scholarship, and Academic Careers, Larry Solum (Jan. 9, 2006): link

XVI. Leiter Reports

Is the Internet Hurting Scholarship?, Brian Leiter (Apr. 20, 2005): link

Posner on blogs, Brian Leiter (Dec. 6, 2004): link

More on Academic Credit for Blogging, Brian Leiter (Jan. 9, 2004): link

Academic Credit for Law Blogging?, Brian Leiter (Jan. 9, 2004): link

XVII. PrawfsBlawg

Scholarship or Distraction?, Dan Markel (Jan. 9, 2006): link 

More thoughts about blogs as a law professor’s medium, Doug Berman (Aug. 3, 2005): link 

Topical versus generalist blogging, Kaimi Wenger (Aug. 2, 2005): link 

More on the academic value of blogging, Rick Garnett (Aug. 2, 2005): link 

Bloggership? On Blogs as Scholarship and Academic Blogging, Daniel Solove (Aug. 2, 2005): link 

How might we improve blogs as an academic medium?, Doug Berman (Aug. 1, 2005): link 

Blogs and Academic Disciplines, Ron Wright (July 29, 2005): link 

Blogarship? Scholarlog?, David Zaring (July 6, 2005): link 

Law Professor Blogger Census (Version 2.0), Daniel Solove (June 16, 2005): link 

Should Law Schools Subsidize Blogging? For SSRN’s sake?, Dan Markel (Apr. 12, 2005): link 

XVIII. Professor Bainbridge

Blogging and Tenure, Stephen Bainbridge (Oct. 13, 2005): link 

Bloggers Just Wanna Have Fun, Stephen Bainbridge (Aug. 1, 2005): link 

Academic credit for blogging, Stephen Bainbridge (Jan. 7, 2004): link 

Blogging as Academic Work, Stephen Bainbridge (Aug. 3, 2005): link 

XIX. Slate

Attack of the Career-Killing Blogs, Robert S. Boynton (Nov. 16, 2005): link

XX. TaxProf Blog

Blogging: Scholarship or Distraction?, Paul Caron (Jan. 8, 2006): link 

XXI. The Volokh Conspiracy

Blogging and Scholarship, Randy Barnett (Jan. 9, 2006): link 

Lawprof Blogging: Scholarship or Distraction?, Orin Kerr (Jan. 8, 2006): link 

Boynton on Academic Blogging, Orin Kerr (Nov. 16, 2005): link 

Drezner’s Denial and Academic Blogging, Juan Non-Volokh (pseud.) (Oct. 9, 2005): link 

Why Blogs Will Not Replace Law Reviews, Orin Kerr (July 6, 2005): link 

Query on Blogs and Legal Scholarship, Orin Kerr (July 5, 2005): link 

Blogging and Blog-Reading – Why and Why Not?, Eugene Volokh (Apr. 8, 2005): link 

The Future of Legal Scholarship?, Orin Kerr (Feb. 10, 2005): link 

Are Blogs and SSRN Changing Legal Scholarship?, Orin Kerr (June 4, 2003): link

February 23, 2006 in Academic Blogging | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack