A Taxonomy of Legal Blogs

I. General Blogs

Advice for Lawyers and Law Firms

General Legal Blogs

General Blogs – Law and Culture, Economics, Politics, etc.


II. Blogs Categorized by Legal Specialty

Specialty Blogs


III. Blogs Categorized by Law or Legal Event

Case Blogs

Statute Blogs

Trial Blogs


IV. Blogs Categorized by Jurisdictional Scope

State Blogs

Federal Circuit Blogs 

U.S. Supreme Court Blogs


V. Blogs Categorized by Author/Publisher

Anonymous Blogs

Association Blogs

Blogs by Judges

Book Supplement Blogs

Class and Student Group Blogs

Institute Blogs

Law Firm Blogs – Listed by Blog

Law Firm Blogs – Listed by Firm

Law Journal Blogs

Law Library and Librarian Blogs

Law Professor Blogs

Lawyer Webjournals

Newspaper Blogs 


VI. Blogs Categorized by Number of Contributors

Group Blogs


VII. Miscellaneous Blogs Categorized by Topic

Blogs about Judges

Event Blogs

Fictional Blogs

Humor Blogs


VIII. Collections of Legal Blogs

Blog Post Collections

Legal Blog Collections

Legal Blog Networks


Addendum: Spanish translation of the main Taxonomy page.


Note: Readers may leave comments, criticisms and suggestions about this taxonomy at the reader feedback page.

March 28, 2006 in A Taxonomy of Legal Blogs, Taxonomy Main Page | Permalink | TrackBack

Specialty Blogs


Return to the main Taxonomy of Legal Blogs page.

March 27, 2006 in A Taxonomy of Legal Blogs, Taxonomy: Specialty Blogs | Permalink

Group Blogs


Return to the main Taxonomy of Legal Blogs page.

March 26, 2006 in A Taxonomy of Legal Blogs, Taxonomy: Group Blogs | Permalink

State Blogs

Note: The blogs in this category are focused on the laws of a particular state jurisdiction. This is not a collection of blogs with state names, or blogs which are merely located within the state. These blogs emphasize state law.



Return to the main Taxonomy of Legal Blogs page.

March 25, 2006 in A Taxonomy of Legal Blogs, Taxonomy: State Blogs | Permalink

Federal Circuit Blogs


Return to the main Taxonomy of Legal Blogs page.

March 25, 2006 in A Taxonomy of Legal Blogs, Taxonomy: Federal Circuit Blogs | Permalink

Now the Creation Begins...

The character of this blog - 3L Epiphany - is about to change. My future posts, for the next few days, will be focused mainly on my taxonomy. ln particular, I will be creating blog posts designed as "holders" for specific categories. Readers who visit consistently will see one post after another, sometimes containing legal blogs, but other times containing no blogs at all (i.e. just a title with no content). This is all for the sake of preparing repositories for the various legal blogs as I fit them into different classifications. These "holder" posts will be intermingled with explanatory posts, requests for reader feedback, and general posts on other topics. It may look somewhat chaotic, but the eventual result will form a structured and cohesive whole.

I expect that some readers might find this process very interesting. I will be creating the taxonomy online so that my methods and decisions are visible publicly, as opposed to working entirely behind the scenes (outside of public view) and displaying only the final product. I will also be asking readers for their opinions on occasion, and comments will always be open. This is one of the great advantages of blogging over traditional legal scholarship. I hope that readers enjoy watching the process of creation unfold, and playing a role in its ultimate consummation.

March 18, 2006 in A Taxonomy of Legal Blogs, Taxonomy Explanations | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack

Taxonomy: Statement of Intentions

I am currently compiling a list of legal blogs for my taxonomy. Soon I will make it available here as a preliminary "pool" for my research. I am going to provide readers the opportunity to name legal blogs that are missing from my list. Although I don't expect to be able to research every single existing legal blog, I at least want to begin with an exhaustive, over-inclusive collection.

I have already collected exactly 475 legal blogs. I will lengthen this list as time allows. My current list includes blogs which are no longer active (i.e. the blogger hasn't posted for several months or more), and also blogs that are not necessarily "legal" (i.e. blogs that are not focused on law, but are written by lawyers). There are many decisions I will be making over the next few weeks about which blogs to include and how best to categorize them. I will be pruning away blogs that are not appropriate for inclusion in a legal blog taxonomy. I will describe my reasons and decisions online, and will invite comments and suggestions from readers.

Here are is a preliminary statement of my intentions for this taxonomy of legal blogs:

1. I will be focusing on blogs by legal practitioners and law professors. I will not be including law student blogs, simply because there are too many and they are much more difficult to locate and categorize.

2. I will be focusing on American legal blogs. It would be too impractical for me to incorporate foreign legal blogs.

3. I will include the following categories in my taxonomy. This is not intended to be an exhaustive list, nor will I definitely include each category.

4. This list above represents initial ideas. I am open to suggestions for new categories, or for ways that the list can be improved. Readers can leave a comment below, or email me here.

March 6, 2006 in A Taxonomy of Legal Blogs | Permalink | Comments (3) | TrackBack

Taxonomy: Legal Specialties

I have begun collecting blogs according to legal specialty. I list a sampling below of specialties that have at least four blogs. Even within a given specialty, the blogs are remarkably dissimilar. Some are from solo practitioners, while some are from law firms or even national associations. Some give updates on legal news, some give political observations, and others give practical advice. A difficulty in carrying out this project is that each blog usually contains something worth reading. To collect examples takes time, unless one refuses to read all the interesting posts. Furthermore, almost every blog has a "blogroll," listing even more blogs that deserve attention. To keep on top of all this variety is daunting.

Classifying according to legal specialty is an easy and obvious method, but still requires consideration about how to make it most effective. Some categories overlap, and some specialty blogs go beyond their stated reach. The samples below illustrate the diversity existing even within specialty blogs. To compile this list, I used Blawg.org, Blawg Republic, Google, and the blogrolls of visited blogs.

One initial observation: The specialty with the most legal blogs by far is Intellectual Property Law.

Admiralty Law

Admiralty, Boating, and Maritime Law Podcasts

Boating Safety Law and News


Proctor in Admiralty

Alternative Dispute Resolution

Florida Mediator

National Arbitration Forum Blog

Online Guide to Mediation 

Ross’s Arbitration Blog

Antitrust Law

Antitrust Law Blog

The Antitrust Monitor


Antitrust Review

Bankruptcy Law


Bankruptcy America

The Bankruptcy Lawyer’s Blog

The Bankruptcy Litigation Blog

Business/Corporate Law 

Business Law Prof Blog

Corporate Governance Leadership Blog

Deal Attorney


Construction Law

Build on This


Construction Law Blog

Construction Owners and Builders Law Blog

Contracts Law 

Contracts Blog


Surfwax: News, Reviews, and Articles on Oral Contract

The Fine Print: Musings of a Contracts Lawyer

Criminal Law

Crime and Federalism


Indignant Indigent

Sentencing Law and Policy

Disability Law 


Disability Law Blog

Social Security Disability Blog

The Disabled Worker Law Blog

Education Law 

Board Buzz

Special Education Law Blog

The FAPE Page


Elder Law 

Aging and Law in West Virginia

Elder Law Prof Blog

Texas Elder Law Blawg [defunct]

You and Yours Blawg

Election Law 

Election Law

Election Updates

Equal Vote Blog


Energy Law

Energy Legal Blog

LNG Law Blog

LOCE Wind and Wave Energy Weblog

Renewable Energy Law Blog

Environmental Law

Environmental Law Diary

Environmental Law Prof Blog

Environmental Legal Blogs


Family Law

Arizona Family Law Blog

California Divorce Blawg

Knight on Family Law

South Carolina Family Law Blog

Health Law

Garlo Ward, P.C.

Health Care Law Blog

HealthLawProf Blog

NY Medical Malpractice

Immigration Law

BTA: Border Blog

ImmigrationProf Blog


Visalaw Blog

Insurance Law

Declarations and Exclusions

Insurance Defense Blog

Insurance Scrawl

Specialty Insurance Blog

Intellectual Property Law

Anything Under the Sun Made by Man


IP Blawg

Patent Pending

International Law

blog do dip

Embassy Law Blog

International Extradition Blog

Opinio Juris

Internet Law

Cyberlaw Central

Gahtan’s Technology and Internet Law Blog


Lessig Blog

Labor Law

George’s Employment Blawg

HR Lawyer’s Blog

Ross’s Employment Law Blog

Workplace Prof Blog

Legal Ethics

Ben Cowgill on Legal Ethics


Legal Ethics Forum

MJP News 

Media Law

Media Law

Media Law_Prof_Blog

Silicon Valley Media Law Blog

Wahab & Medenica LLC Biz-Media-Law Blog

Personal Injury Law

Atlanta Injury Law Blog

The Illinois Personal Injury Weblog

Traumatic Brain Injury Law Blog

Wisconsin Personal Injury Lawyers Blog

Property/Real Estate Law

Commercial Real Estate Loans and Structured Finance

New Jersey Eminent Domain Law Blog

Seattle Landlord-Tenant Attorney

Wills, Trusts & Estates Prof Blog

Securities Law

Securities Litigation Watch

The 10b-5 Daily

TheCorporateCounsel.net Blog

The PSLRA Nugget

Tax Law

Death and Taxes – The Blog


Tax & Business Law Commentary 

TaxProf Blog 

March 3, 2006 in A Taxonomy of Legal Blogs | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack

My Research Project: A Taxonomy of Legal Blogs

As consistent readers know, I am using 3L Epiphany to conduct an Independent Study project. I am the first law student in the country (of which I am aware) to receive school credit for blogging. Over the past few weeks I have posted a lot of material, but readers might legitimately question whether I have done anything worthy of credit. My first month (February 2006) has been somewhat exploratory, learning how to blog and describing the process. I’ve also suggested ideas, attempted experiments, collected posts from other blogs, reviewed articles about blogging, etc. I expect that in the next two months, as time allows, I will continue to post similar material for my own sake and for the benefit of interested readers.

But what exactly am I getting credit for? What is the key focus of 3L Epiphany, that will allow readers (including law faculty and administration) to consider this a good idea? What is the actual research project that I will use this blog to conduct?

The answer is this: I am going to create a taxonomy of legal blogs.

I will use 3L Epiphany to propose various methods for classifying legal blogs. My goal is to create a comprehensive infrastructure for the legal blogosphere. I will accomplish this by recommending possible categories that can distinguish among legal blogs, and describing examples of how the classification would be applied. I will design my taxonomy to be both useful and user-friendly. My sincere hope is that legal bloggers will embrace this project, and that it will stimulate a long-overdue discussion in this area.

As an example, I previously posted a a suggestion that blogs be categorized according to the number of contributors. One way of naming these categories is to use the Greek and Latin prefixes. A few of these names may be appealing, i.e. “pentablog,” but many are convoluted and perhaps even absurd, i.e. “triskaidecablog.” I will confess that those suggestions were meant slightly tongue-in-cheek. I don’t expect that people will rush to identify Balkinization or Blackprof as a “decablog.” But the exercise of dividing blogs up into categories is very useful, and these categories obviously need names. Scientific-sounding prefixes may not be the best way to do it, but neither is dividing blogs up into “solo” or “group” as if that were the only necessary distinction.

There is an ongoing argument within academia about whether blogging is a form of scholarship. Here is my own opinion, for what it’s worth: The debate is somewhat nonsensical. Blogging is a new medium, a new form of communication. A blog can contain scholarship, or it can contain something else. It is the content of a blog post that should determine its definition.

Here, for example, are just a few possible categories of legal blog posts: 1) case summaries; 2) legislative developments; 3) predictions about where the law is headed; 4) political opinions; 5) journal entries (‘a day in the life’); 6) responses to criticism; 7) legal news reporting; and 8) suggestions for change in the law. This is not even close to an exhaustive list. Yet each one of these categories can be further divided into sub-categories. A case summary can be brief or long, simple or detailed, objective or subjective, exclusive or inclusive (of other cases), etc. Just as there are different categories of articles within a law journal, there are different categories of posts within a blog. But the latter have not yet been named. There has been little discussion about all the different forms that a blog post can take. Even within one blog (such as Volokh) there is tremendous variety of content.

To ask whether blogging is scholarship does not really do justice to the online world. Some blog posts are scholarship, and some posts are not; some blogs are scholarly, and some blogs are not. But this is on a surface level. Such a discussion does not go nearly far enough in exploring the variety and potential within the new medium.

This, then, is the focus of 3L Epiphany: a taxonomy of legal blogs. I will use my own blog to conduct my research, request feedback from readers, display my ideas and conclusions, and post the final product. I won’t publish my taxonomy as a law review article, nor will I turn it in as a seminar paper. I will display my taxonomy of legal blogs right here, on 3L Epiphany, and readers around the world can access it at any time. I will receive 2 credits for my work, posted on this blog and nowhere else. This will hopefully establish a solid precedent for other law students to carry out blog-for-credit projects in the future. I expect that the continuous feedback I receive from interested readers will compensate for any lack of official peer-review. And when the semester is over, I believe that my taxonomy of legal blogs (and the process I used to create it) will be recognized even by skeptics as a legitimate form of scholarship.

March 2, 2006 in A Taxonomy of Legal Blogs, Credit for Blogging? | Permalink | Comments (3) | TrackBack

Numerical Classifications for Legal Blogs

Blogs are typically divided up into only two numerical categories: "solo blog" and "group blog." But there is a tremendous difference between a blog with four contributors and a blog with sixteen. A taxonomy of legal blogs must take into account the number of bloggers who contribute.

Any taxonomy must incorporate acceptable classifications. Legal blogs can be named and categorized with the Greek or Latin prefixes used in scientific descriptions. I am suggesting numerical category names below (with an example of each). As the number of bloggers increases, the classification names become more complicated. Most of these names will never be used colloquially, but they draw attention to the myriad diversity of legal blogs. The simple term "group blog" is inadequate to describe this numerical range.

The first three categories use a Latin prefix: uniblog, duoblog, and trioblog. The subsequent categories use a Greek prefix: quadrablog, pentablog, hexablog, heptablog, etc.

Even though this seems like a simple and straightforward method of classification, there are still complications. For example, I did not use The Volokh Conspiracy as an example although it is the epitome of a group blog. The current list of contributors at Volokh includes guest-blogger Greg Sisk, puzzleblogger Kevin Choset, and “Juan Non-Volokh” who is taking a leave of absence from the blog. Thus the question arises whether non-legal bloggers, guest bloggers, and “on-leave” bloggers should be counted for classification purposes in a taxonomy.


Here are the categories, with the number of bloggers in parentheses:

Uniblog or Solo Blog (1): Alaskablawg

Duoblog (2): Health Law Prof Blog

Trioblog (3): Products Liability Prof Blog

Quadrablog (4): Concurring Opinions

Pentablog (5): Between Lawyers

Hexablog (6): Opinio Juris

Heptablog (7): SCOTUSblog

Octablog (8): PrawfsBlawg

Enneablog (9): [still to find example]

Decablog (10): Balkinization

Hendecablog (11): Crescat Sententia

Dodecablog (12): [still to find example]

Triskaidecablog (13): Sixth Circuit Blog

Tetrakaidecablog (14): [still to find example]

Pentakaidecablog (15): University of Chicago Law Faculty Blog

Hexakaidecablog (16): Crooked Timber


I invite readers to inform me of blogs which fit the categories of enneablog, dodecablog, and tetrakaidecablog. I am also seeking examples of blogs larger than a hexakaidecablog. If you know of one, please leave a comment to this post.

March 1, 2006 in A Taxonomy of Legal Blogs | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack