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Voting Underway for the 2008 ABA Journal Blawg 100

The editors of the ABA Journal have selected 100 law blogs for the Journal's second annual blog award contest. Voting in ten categories ends Jan. 2, 2009. Yes, it is a popularity contest but this one has the backing of the ABA Journal.

Congratulations to the five blogs in our Law Professor Blogs Network that were nominated this year.

Crime: Sentencing Law and Policy

Professors: Law School Innovation and TaxProf Blog

Niche: Brian Leiter’s Law School Reports and Legal Profession Blog

Kudos also to Slaw for being nominated in the Technologycategory and J. Craig Williams and Robert Ambrogi for their Lawyer2Lawyer being nominated in the Podcast category.

For more, see the ABA Journal's December 2008 cover story, The Blawg 100.[JH]

December 3, 2008 in Blogosphere | Permalink


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