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Crowdsourcing the Next Big Thing Using Edopter

Edopter is social trendcasting, combining user insight and worldwide buzz to tap into the next big thing. Calley Nye describes how it works in Edopter Attempts “Social Trendcasting” Through Crowdsourcing And Internet Buzz:

The way it works, is by allowing users to generate “trends” according to what they think will catch on. Some trends are “cewebrities” (pictured below), “Batman: The Dark Knight,” and “tap water.” The user who makes the trend writes a “pitch” - the reason they think it will catch on. Then the Edopter system scans the web to measure current internet “buzz.” Users can join a trend, and give their pitch, upload photos and videos related to the trend, and discuss the trend with the other users in that trend. The more discussion and content you add, the more likely more people will join, thus increasing the value of the trend.


July 24, 2008 in Social Media | Permalink


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