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Google White Paper on Business Communications Trends, Priorities, and Best Practices
From the executive summary of the 2008 Annual Google Communications Intelligence Report (Feb. 2008):
At the end of 2007, Google conducted an annual online survey of messaging professionals. Providing insight into the major communications trends in the past year as well as the pressing issues and concerns for the coming one, this survey is the result of 575 global interviews with CEOs, CIOs, and CTOs in large, multinational enterprises as well as small organizations. This report summarizes the key findings of the survey, including detailed statistical analysis of the key trends in business communications in 2007 and how these trends translate into priorities for business communications professionals in the year ahead. Following the summary of the research findings, the report touches on Google’s expectations for the coming year as well as defines some best practices in business communication to help organizations address the expected challenges in the industry in 2008.
Download google0802whitepaper.pdf [JH]
March 18, 2008 in Announcements | Permalink
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