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Pew/Internet's Survey on Problem-Solving Information Search Patterns

In a national phone survey, respondents were asked by Pew/Interent whether they had encountered 10 possible problems in the previous two years, all of which had a potential connection to the government or government-provided information. Those who had dealt with the problems were asked where they went for help and the internet topped the list:

58% of those who had recently experienced one of those problems said they used the internet (at home, work, a public library or some other place) to get help.

53% said they turned to professionals such as doctors, lawyers or financial experts.

45% said they sought out friends and family members for advice and help.

36% said they consulted newspapers and magazines.

34% said they directly contacted a government office or agency.

16% said they consulted television and radio.

13% said they went to the public library.

For details, check out Pew/Internet's Information Searches That Solve Problems [Report (pdf)]. [JH}

February 22, 2008 in Internet, General | Permalink


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