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3L Epiphany --> Law Blog Metrics

Dear readers,

I began this blog exactly one year ago today, in my last semester of law school.  I introduced 3L Epiphany and described my purposes for creating it in this post (Feb. 1, 2006). The next day I let it be known, in long-winded fashion, that my blog was an independent study project for which I would receive academic credit. One of my goals for 3L Epiphany was to lay a foundation for future law students to create legal blogs on a variety of topics and receive academic credit for them. I elaborated further on "blogging for credit" in this collection of posts.

I am pleased to announce that I am transferring 3L Epiphany to the Law Professer Blogs Network, run by Prof. Paul Caron (TaxProf Blog) and Joe Hodnicki (Law Librarian Blog). 3L Epiphany will now become "Law Blog Metrics," and Mr. Hodnicki will maintain and develop my legal blog projects that I conducted while I was in law school. These projects include the Taxonomy of Legal Blogs, and the collections of court cases and law review articles which cite legal blogs. The URL (http://3LEpiphany.typepad.com) will remain the same. Mr. Hodnicki will serve as the new editor, and may invite contributing editors in the future.

I am very grateful that 3L Epiphany will live on as part of the Law Professor Blogs Network. As the Founding Editor of Law Blog Metrics, I may post occasionally on relevant legal blog topics. However, now that I have a new job I will probably continue my blogging hiatus for a time, and perhaps indefinately. Fortunately I know that my blog is in very skilled and capable hands.

So with this announcement, 3L Epiphany comes to a close. I would like to thank all my readers from the past year who made blogging at 3L Epiphany such a rewarding experience. I would also like to thank Prof. Doug Berman (Sentencing Law & Policy) for being such a wonderful mentor and advisor, and the administration at Moritz Law School for allowing me to receive credit for my blog. And thanks again to Prof. Caron and Mr. Hodnicki for agreeing to transmogrify 3L Epiphany into Law Blog Metrics.

Please stay tuned for further details about the new blog.

Signing off, with warm regards,
Ian Best

February 1, 2007 in Announcements, Final Post | Permalink | Comments (2) | TrackBack