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A Quick Look at Best Practices for Legal Education Blog

Joining Law School Innovation in the blogosphere's U.S. law school reform space, The Best Practices for Legal Education Blog was created with two goals in mind: "(1) to create a useful web-based source of information on  current reforms in legal education arising from the publication of Roy Stuckey’s Best Practices for Legal Education (pdf) and the Carnegie Foundation’s Educating Lawyers; and (2) to create a place where those interested in the future of legal education can freely exchange ideas, concerns, and opinions.  The blog contributors and editor will attempt to document and record the most recent innovations and academic experiments accompanying the legal education reform movement — and stimulate dialogue between and among all sectors of the legal academy. " 

Check out the Blog's Resources page. The project looks promising but it could take some cues from UK's Transforming Initiative [our post] for a more comprehensive approach to using web communications. [JH]

December 28, 2007 in New Blogs | Permalink


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