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Two New Online Law Student Run Publications

University of Idaho law students are launching an online Journal of Critical Studies. From the press release:

This coming spring, the University of Idaho's College of Law introduces the "University of Idaho Journal of Critical Studies," or "The Crit." The multi-media publication will provide a new and innovative forum for analyses, scholarly discussion, and critical assessment of legal, social, economic, and political issues and institutions.

"'The Crit' will not be limited to a classic law review format,” said Michael Satz, associate professor of law and faculty adviser for the student-run publication. "We want to include input from students and scholars from many disciplines. A multidisciplinary approach is important because the law is not something you can think about or practice in isolation."

"The Crit" currently is accepting audio, video, art, cartoon, text and narrative submissions. For more information, visit www.thecritui.com.

The Southern California Law Review has announced the launch of Postscript, its new online companion that will feature article responses and create an interactive venue for dialogue about Law Review and other current topics. From the press release:.

Postscript will feature material submitted by academics, judges, practitioners and law students, published in one of two categories: responses to articles published in the Southern California Law Review, and commentaries on recent changes in the law or other legal developments.

“Postscript gives the Law Review an opportunity to reach broader audiences and encourage debate and discussion,” said Jeannette Mekdara, 3L and editor-in-chief of the Southern California Law Review.

The student-run Law Review receives an overwhelming number of submissions for each of the six issues it publishes annually — generally about 2,000 submissions for the 12 available article slots. Postscript will allow students to publish more material on an ongoing basis, and continue the conversation in a more immediate forum.


November 26, 2007 in Online Law Review Companions | Permalink


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