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Blogs and Legal Scholarship
From UCLA law prof, blogger and wine expert, Stephen Bainbridge, we have the following quote on blogs and legal scholarship:
Associate Professor, Department of Law, Zicklin School of Business, Baruch College, City University of New York. The author is particularly indebted to the weblogs (usually called “blogs,” sometimes, “blawgs”) of Professor D. Gordon Smith (www.theconglomerate.org – Smith now shares his blog with others, but his comments on the business judgment rule discussed here was made when he was blogging alone at www.venturpreneur.com) and Professor Stephen Bainbridge (www.professorbainbridge.com). Their lively, but always scholarly, exchange on the issue of good faith gave rise to many of the ideas in this article. These and other blogs by legal scholars are among the best examples of innovative uses of the internet in what appears to be the dawning of a new era in legal “publishing.” The importance (and credibility) of law blogs was confirmed when the Supreme Court of the United States cited its first blog in January, 2005. See United States v. Booker, 125 S. Ct. 738, 775 n.4 (2005). This article will make citations to law blogs as with any other legal source. The reader will be left to his own devices to determine the value as authority of such sources.
Source: David Rosenberg, Galactic Stupidity and the Business Judgment Rule.
Hat tip to Ian Best. [JH]
March 14, 2007 in Law Review Articles Citing Legal Blogs | Permalink
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