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Blogging the Harvard Bloggership Conference

I attended the Harvard Conference on “Bloggership” last Friday, which was a fascinating event. It was wonderful to meet these bloggers in person and listen to their ideas. Prof. Paul Caron of TaxProf Blog deserves great credit for organizing the conference, and I’d also like to thank him for inviting me.


I have collected a group of blog posts which discuss the conference. The posts are in reverse chronological order unless they specifically follow the day’s events. I include the blogger’s name where it is not obvious. Readers who are aware of missing blog posts can add them in the comments.


Althouse (Prof. Ann Althouse)

Brian Leiter’s Law School Reports

Concurring Opinions (Prof. Daniel J. Solove)

The Conglomerate (Prof. Christine Hurt)

The Conglomerate (Prof. Gordon Smith)

Discourse.net (Prof. Michael Froomkin)

eon (Prof. Charles R. Nesson)

How Appealing (Howard Bashman)

Instapundit (Prof. Glenn Reynolds)

Is That Legal? (Prof. Eric Muller)

Kenneth Anderson’s Law of War and Just War Theory Blog

The Legal Janitor (Si Han Xu, Singapore)

Legal Theory Blog (Prof. Lawrence Solum)

Opinio Juris (Prof. Roger Alford)

Orin Kerr

Sentencing Law and Policy (Prof. Doug Berman)

Technology and Marketing Law Blog (Prof. Eric Goldman)

Timothy K. Anderson

The Volokh Conspiracy (Prof. Jim Lindgren)

April 30, 2006 in Academic Blogging | Permalink | Comments (1)