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Directory of Legal Blog Topical Categories
This 60-page directory provides a searchable database for topical categories found on legal blogs. All of the topics listed are actively hyperlinked, so the reader can go directly to the blog posts for each topic. The ‘find’ (Control-F) function in Microsoft Word can be used to look up the various topics within the document. For example:
- A search for “electronic discovery” leads to the following blogs: CompanyCounselor, DennisKennedy.com, Electronic Discovery and Evidence, Electronic Discovery Law, Gahtan’s Technology and Internet Law Blog, Jeff Beard's Lawtech Guru Blog, and Jim Calloway's Law Practice Tips.
- A search for “First Amendment” leads to the following blogs: 43(B)log, Concurring Opinions, Criminal Appeal, FSU College of Law Library Blog, Hounded, Cowed, and Badgered, InternetCases.com, LibraryLaw Blog, PrawfsBlawg, Privacy and Security Law Blog, The Technology Liberation Front, and The Trademark Blog.
- A search for “Iraq” leads to the following blogs: Calblog, Discourse.net, Grotian Moment: The Saddam Hussein Trial Blog, Is That Legal?, Jus in Bello, Southern Appeal, TalkLeft, and Transitional Justice Forum.
The directory can be downloaded below:
September 29, 2006 in Directory of Topical Categories | Permalink
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