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The (Temporary) Final Conclusion of 3L Epiphany

I had planned on blogging during the summer while I simultaneously studied for the Bar Exam. I have decided that this is no longer realistic, and that I would prefer to be completely undistracted. So this will probably be my final post for the next two months. I do plan to continue blogging once the Bar is over, and I will decide then how to resurrect 3L Epiphany (including whether it should receive a new name, now that I am no longer a 3L).


Probably because of the recent American Lawyer article, I have been receiving many visitors from Google searches for “3L Epiphany.” For those readers who are visiting for the first time, here is the Taxonomy of Legal Blogs which is referred to in the article. Here also is a Table of Contents which contains most of my work on 3L Epiphany. 


The Table of Contents was compiled in April, so it does not include the following major posts from the end of the semester (in chronological order):


I would like to thank all of my readers from the past several months for making 3L Epiphany a successful experiment. I am especially grateful to my fellow legal bloggers who encouraged me (and linked to me) throughout the semester. Most of all, I would like to thank Prof. Doug Berman, my advisor for this project, for his warm and enthusiastic support from the very beginning. It was Prof. Berman’s blog, Sentencing Law and Policy, that was the inspiration behind 3L Epiphany.


I will resume regular blogging in some form at the end of the summer. At that time I will clarify what the future of 3L Epiphany holds. Meanwhile, for the next two months I plan to avoid the online world altogether, and blog only if it is absolutely necessary. I expect that there is enough material here to keep interested readers occupied for a while. I hope to see everyone again when the Bar Exam is over.



Ian Best (3L Epiphany)

June 8, 2006 in Final Post | Permalink


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Best of luck with the bar. I'm sure you are already aware of this -- but be sure to check out the "common law" section of Wikipedia for a great study outline. I only wish I would have come up with a wiki idea in 1993 when I was finishing up law school. It would have been a great way to have a master outline contributed to by all law students. Are you aware whether or not any law school groups have used wikis to create a custom outline for each class. I would think this could be very useful.

Posted by: bob coffield | Jun 9, 2006 6:47:32 AM

Best wishes for a successful bar study time and for passing the exam. Your 3L Epiphany project was inspired and I am sure that it will continue to pay dividends for you when you become a licensed lawyer, through 10 to 15 years of your legal career and for whatever career you choose after lawyer career burnout! I look forward to reading your posts this fall.
Jonathan Ginsberg
Atlanta, GA

Posted by: Jonathan Ginsberg | Jun 9, 2006 11:07:30 AM

Ian, best of luck! And if you ever decide to put your formidable cataloging skills to use as an academic law librarian, please let me know.

Posted by: Amy | Jun 9, 2006 12:14:38 PM

Good luck with the bar exam, and keep us posted on how you do.

See you online in September!

Posted by: David Tufte | Jun 9, 2006 11:20:03 PM

I am sure your "3L" name will suffice for a time in your new legal life as you will have many new and interesting experiences. Good luck on the bar (and your decision to withdraw from public life for a time is a good one!)!

Posted by: Diane Pfadenhauer | Jun 16, 2006 7:35:16 PM

Wanted to let you know that I had to stop posting on OhioAppealsToMe due to time constraints. Once I took the site down, someone else took over the address through blogspot and it's not really law related anymore -- so I would guess you want to remove it. Thanks

Posted by: OhioAppealsToMe | Jul 18, 2006 11:12:52 AM

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