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Just FYI: Graduation and Summer Plans

For those readers who are interested, I will be graduating from law school tomorrow (Friday, May 12). Then I will go on a 10-day vacation with my family to Barcelona, Spain, where I will hopefully recuperate from 3 years of law school. If I decide to come back, I will then begin studying for the Ohio Bar in late May.

I do intend to continue blogging on 3L Epiphany, even though the semester has ended and my Independent Study credits have been earned (see the posts under Credit for Blogging?). I have several mini-projects I would like to carry out, and I will also be revising and updating my Taxonomy of Legal Blogs. But for the most part, blogging will be limited and sporadic during the summer months, until the Bar is over. I will do my best to post when I can.

When I first launched 3L Epiphany, I said the following: "Putting a blog out on the Internet is like being an actor in a solo-performance play, not knowing ahead of time – when the curtains are still closed – whether anyone is actually out there watching." I am surprised that although I haven't posted anything new in quite a while (due to exams), I still receive a steady flow of traffic to this site, usually more than 100 visitors a day. I am grateful that 3L Epiphany has attracted an audience, and that the critical reviews so far have been encouraging. I would like to thank all my readers for visiting 3L Epiphany throughout the semester, and I hope that this blog continues to have a beneficial impact on the legal community.

May 11, 2006 in Announcements | Permalink


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