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Tsukroff v. Hedgeside Property & Inv. Co.
“Many courts across the state have considered the question of the retroactive effect of Proposition 64, and have not reached consensus on the point. Absent a precedential appellate opinion on the question, this court must independently evaluate the issue and weigh in. The parameters of the issue have by now been fairly well defined in the legal community. (See collected trial court orders and appellate briefs at the following web site: http://www.17200blog.blogspot.
Tsukroff v. Hedgeside Property & Inv. Co., California Superior Court, Napa County, case no. 26-25117 (order dated 01/19/05) (unpublished)
Note: This is an unpublished opinion, but is available online at: http://www.
17200blog.com/TsukroffOrder.pdf (the citation is at the top of p. 2). The blog cited in this opinion, The UCL Practitioner, is now located at the following URL: http://www.uclpractitioner.com.
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April 14, 2006 in Cases Citing Legal Blogs | Permalink
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