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Batzel v. Smith
“n3 To mention a few popular and respected legal blogs, see, for example, How Appealing, www.appellateblog.blogspot.com, SCOTUSBlog, www.goldsteinhowe.
com/blog/index.cfm, The Volokh Conspiracy, volokh.com and Lessig Blog, www.lessig.org/blog/. The development argument is likely to hold true in other industries as well, including politics, www.instapundit.com, and software architecture, www.corfield.org/blog.”
Batzel v. Smith, 351 F.3d 904, 906 (9th Cir. 2003)
Note: How Appealing now has a new URL: http://legalaffairs.org/
howappealing. So also does SCOTUSBlog: www.scotusblog.com. The URL's in Batzel bring readers to the previous incarnations of these two blogs.
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April 14, 2006 in Cases Citing Legal Blogs | Permalink
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