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A Mention in the Beltway Blogroll, and a Third Judge Responds

The two recent interviews with judges about legal blogs have attracted a lot of attention, including a write-up in the National Journal’s Beltway Blogroll. I am now posting a third judge's responses.

These answers are from Judge James S. Gwin (Northern District of Ohio). He wrote the decision in the case of United States v. Onunwor. I would like to thank Judge Gwin for taking the time to respond:

1. When you cited a legal blog, did you consider it unusual or unprecedented at the time?

No. Judges frequently cite to matters outside the realm of court decisions, and legal blogs are one other form of legally related materials.

2. How often do you read legal blogs?

Weekly but not daily.

3. Which are your favorite legal blogs?

Professor Berman's Sentencing Blog.

4. Do you consider blogs to be substantial and legitimate forms of scholarship?

Not really substantial. (I do not believe most were ever intended to be an in-depth discussion of a legal issue.)

5. Do you think legal blogs will begin to be cited more often by the courts?

Not sure, but very possible.

6. What predictions do you have about the effect of legal blogs on the profession?

[Chose not to answer.]

7. What other changes to the legal profession do you foresee because of the Internet and the on-line world in general?

I foresee a continued quickening of the pace of legal and judicial practice.

8. Do you regularly read law reviews? If so, which are your favorites?

Other than Harvard Law Review, I usually only review current law review articles that are case related or I believe are of current interest.

9. What advantages and disadvantages do legal blogs have when compared to law reviews and other traditional forms of scholarship?

[Chose not to answer.]

10. Do you have an opinion about whether law students, lawyers, and/or law professors should blog?

No real opinion.

11. Do you think it is appropriate for judges to blog? If you were to start one, what subject(s) would you write about?

Not to give discussions about matters that may be currently before them.

12. (Off the subject of blogging:) If you could change one thing about the legal educational system, what would it be?

[Chose not to answer.]

April 24, 2006 in Judges on Legal Blogs | Permalink


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