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What about Academic Blogging in Business Schools?

Blogger David Tufte (whom I envy for living near Zion National Park, one of my favorites) writes about whether blogging constitutes scholarship from a business school perspective. Also, Mr. Tufte informed me of a Crooked Timber post that I missed here, which will join the other four on this list if/when I revise the collection.

At 3L Epiphany I have obviously focused on academic blogging within legal academia, but I am very curious about similar conversations taking place within graduate, business and medical schools. (For example, I referred here to one graduate student’s article in the Chronicle of Higher Education entitled Do Not Fear the Blog.) The debate within the legal academy over whether high-quality blogging is a legitimate form of scholarship would surely be enriched by similar conversations taking place among other professional disciplines.

March 1, 2006 in Academic Blogging | Permalink


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