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Two Major Blogging Events in Columbus
An important reminder to Columbus, Ohio bloggers and residents:
Howard Bashman, of How Appealing, is coming to Columbus. Mr. Bashman is considered to be the first appellate litigation blogger on the Internet. His blog is one of the most frequently visited and well-respected among the entire legal blogosphere.
First, Mr. Bashman will speak at the Moritz College of Law (OSU) on Monday, March 13th. This will be at 4:30 pm, in Room 250 of Moritz. His talk is entitled “Law Blogging, Appellate Litigation, and Related Subjects,” and is sponsored by the I/S Journal and the Center for Interdisciplinary Law and Policy Studies.
Then on Tuesday, March 14th, Mr. Bashman will be joined by Prof. Doug Berman, of the renowned Sentencing Law and Policy blog. They will speak at a luncheon sponsored by the local Federalist Society, on “The Rise of Law-Related Web Blogs: Growing Popularity and Influence.” This will take place at the Athletic Club of Columbus at 12 noon. Details are here. (Note that this is not a free event, and an RSVP is requested.)
Of course, I strongly recommend both of these events to anyone interested in legal blogging who lives in Columbus. I will be attending the first, but will unfortunately miss the second due to an out-of-state job interview.
March 12, 2006 in Announcements | Permalink
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