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Question about Links and New Windows
I have a question that I'm hoping some reader can help me with. Why does a link sometimes lead to a brand new window, while other times it causes the page to change? That is, when you click on a link to another blog, sometimes a new window opens up and 3L Epiphany remains in the background; other times you are no longer at 3L Epiphany, you are at the link’s destination. Is this something left up to chance, or is there a way you can choose which type of link you prefer?
For example, my post on specialty blogs contains links that open up a new page (like all of the blogs under “Admiralty Law”), and links that cause the page itself to change (like all of the blogs under “Business/Corporate Law”). Can this aspect of linking to other sites be chosen, perhaps when you copy a URL into the text of your own post?
My own personal preference would be to open a new window with each link. I'm just not sure how that's managed. Knowledgeable readers, please let me know, even if it's a dumb question.
March 5, 2006 in Questions | Permalink
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http://3lepiphany.typepad.com/3l_epiphany/2006/03/question_about_.html#comment-14714700 You can control this behavior by setting the “target” attribute on an anchor tag to “blank.”... Such an address would allow readers to send you stuff that won't fi... [Read More]
Tracked on Mar 6, 2006 6:33:05 AM
You can control this behavior by setting the "target" attribute on an anchor tag to "blank." I'd give you examples but you've set up your blog to reject HTML in comments so any examples will prevent me from submitting this comment.
(BTW: I may be missing it, but I haven't found an email address on your blog, either. Such an address would allow readers to send you stuff that won't fit in comments for some reason and might therefore be a good idea.)
Others will disagree w/me, but I encourage you to avoid making links open in new windows. This is annoys me no end b/c it puts the page author's preferences above my own as a reader. I prefer to respect my readers' intelligence and preferences and allow readers to decide whether to open a link in a new window, or a new tab, or whatever.
Posted by: ambimb | Mar 6, 2006 6:31:45 AM
Thanks, ambimb.
I had thought I enabled my comments to accept HTML. I've changed it, so you can now post examples if you would like to.
As far as my email address, you can find it at my "About" page. My impression is that it is typical of many bloggers not to put their email address on the front page, but on their About page where it's a bit more hidden. The reason is to make it a little more difficult for people to email you so that you can avoid spam, etc.
Posted by: 3L Epiphany | Mar 6, 2006 9:05:43 AM
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