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A Wiki Collection of Fortune 500 Blogs

Without intending to, I have become a reference for blog lists outside of my own taxonomy, such as international legal blogs, law library blogs, and law student blogs.  I’m happy to direct people to these worthwhile collections.

I discovered another list: a collection of blogs by Fortune 500 Companies. I’m including this list because anyone interested in business and corporate law might like to know about it. My own prediction is that virtually every field of law will be affected by blogs. That is, lawyers in almost every specialty will eventually confront a client who blogs, or a relevant case involving blogs.

Law students who plan to go into corporate law, for example, will need to learn the legal aspects of corporate blogging. What are companies allowed to say on their blogs? What are the legal risks of blogging? What if a customer relies on a company’s blog, and the information is inaccurate? What if an employee writes something offensive or defamatory on the blog? If one company’s blog quotes from a competitor’s blog, when does that become a copyright violation? There are multitudes of questions that have not yet been fully explored, but as more companies and corporations blog, lawyers will have to consider the answers and advise their clients accordingly. 

More on the list of Fortune 500 blogs can be found at this explanation by Chris Anderson, one of the creators of the list. Here is an excerpt:

Earlier this year I was at a dinner with Doc Searls and we got to talking about why some companies blog and some don't. Microsoft blogs, and Apple doesn't. Sun blogs and Intel doesn't. GM blogs and Toyota doesn't. And so on.

Perhaps, Doc wondered, the risks and uncertainties of public business blogging are so great that big companies only do it under duress, when their traditional corporate messaging has lost traction. So companies on the way up don't want to mess with their success by introducing a new lens on the enterprise that isn't controlled by the PR department. But companies on the way down are willing to try anything to regain the confidence of their customers. [Update: Doc has posted more background on this here.]


Hmm, I thought. That's testable. Let's look at which of the Fortune 500 companies are blogging and compare their past twelve month share performance with those that aren't. If this theory stands up, the blogging members of the F500 will have underperformed the nonblogging members. And then we can also see if blogging makes a difference going forward, by continuing to follow the two cohorts.

March 14, 2006 in Blog Collections | Permalink


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» Corporate Blogs from ProfessorBainbridge.com
A list of Fortune 500 blogs, defined as: active public blogs by company employees about the company and/or its products. I wonder if there's an Apple blog that explains why their products are so great but their customer service is [Read More]

Tracked on Mar 14, 2006 1:47:03 PM


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