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Advice on Transferring and Other Matters

Here is advice on transferring law schools from Jeremy Richey (via Blawg Wisdom, a site I learned of via Ambivalent Imbroglio). The subject of transferring is outside of my expertise, but the advice sounds good for people who are thinking about it.

There’s also advice on Blawg Wisdom about handling your grades, submitting writing samples, and other topics. 

Something I intend to do over the weekend is post some student notes from an advice session held by three OSU professors, for students who have the “1L Blues” after getting their grades. The advice is excellent (although not official), and I will post it soon after some more brief editing.

Thanks also to Ambivalent Imbroglio and Jeremy Richey for the links. There are other law student bloggers who have linked to me, and I’ll try to refer readers to them when I can. Besides just returning a favor (whether it's considered a favor or not), it is also a demonstration of the strange loop-de-loop world of the blogosphere, which is a theme I intend to discuss a lot on this blog. (“Please don’t,” comes the reply. I know. But I have to.)

February 10, 2006 in Advice for Law Students | Permalink


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Practical Thoughts on the Transfer Student Application Process:

Should You Transfer?

Posted by: Droit Femme | Jun 15, 2006 4:29:55 PM

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