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Futuristic Summer Job Update

I am adding an update to my earlier post on a Futuristic Summer Job, where I recommended that law students who do not yet have a summer job consider working as an RA for a professor who blogs. Because that post was a typically long one, I’m putting the update here as a brand new post.

If any law student follows through with my advice, and gets an RA job for a professor-blogger this summer, please let me know. Right now I don’t think it will be that hard to find such a job, although even some professor-bloggers might be skeptical of its value. I predict that eventually, perhaps years from now, such jobs will actually become competitive. Incidentally, if your current semester has a lighter load, you might see if you can start working as a blog-RA now and do something more traditional over the summer.

Also, if any law professor reads this and thinks it's a great idea (or a lousy one), please feel free to make your opinions known.

Update (to the update): I also believe that this can be a model for other disciplines, and expect that eventually students in graduate, business, and medical schools will seek out work with academic bloggers for the sake of learning the skills involved. The benefit to law students is distinctive, however, because such work will also prepare them to “shape” the law of blogging.

February 10, 2006 in Futuristic Summer Job | Permalink


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