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Student RA's for Blogging Professors

I suggested here (and followed up here) that law students should consider working as a research assistant for a law professor who blogs. I corresponded with a number of such law professors. Below I am listing a few who liked this idea, some of whom already employ an RA for this purpose. I quote them with their permission. I would like to thank them and all of the other law professors who responded to my inquiries. 

Prof. Gerry W. Beyer (Texas Tech), Wills Trusts and Estates Prof Blog:

“I think research assistants can be a tremendous help to professors who run blogs. So far, I have used my RA to research some postings and to make postings when I am beyond the reach of computers. (I pre-write the postings and then she posts them at the appropriate times.) So, I would definitely encourage students to approach blogging professors!” 

Prof. Eric Goldman (Marquette), Technology & Marketing Law Blog: 

“I have already done this. See here, here, and here. [URL’s changed to “here.”] I would probably not work with any random student, but I plan to ask for student contributions and research help from time to time. I also have an ongoing relationship with a student who helps me with blog administration.”

Prof. Adam Kolber (San Diego), Neuroethics Blog:

“As a general matter, I think that student RAs can absolutely help with blogging.  My blog, however, lends itself to this a bit less because I don't post a whole lot of commentary, and I've been able to handle it myself pretty well.  But someday in the future, I might want to have a student help with the blog.” 

Prof. Tom Mayo (SMU), Health Law Prof Blog:

I would definitely pay a research assistant to help with my blog. I already pay for one to help with a weekly listserve message to the state bar Health Law Section, and I've paid for research help on my web pages, which have a couple thousand links.  First preference would be for an SMU student to help (and get paid with SMU funds), of course . . .

Prof. Eben Moglen (Columbia), Freedom Now Blog: 

“It's an interesting idea.  As people shift away from law reviews, as they must, other forms of ‘clerkship to scholarship’ will have to evolve, and this is one.” [Prof. Moglen also indicated that he himself is not in need of such an RA.]

Prof. Susan Smith (Willamette), Environmental Law Prof Blog:

I think that is a great idea. I'd love to have an RA available for this purpose.” 

February 20, 2006 in Futuristic Summer Job | Permalink


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