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Of Blogs, Bears, and Disgruntled Clients

Here is a succinct but excellent post describing why people like to blog, and why they like to read blogs, from Prof. Volokh at the Volokh Conspiracy. This post is almost a year old, but still contains worthwhile observations. Here are the topics covered:

1.   Tips for thinking about blogs.

2.   Why readers like to read blogs (sometimes more than they like to read a newspaper).

3.   Barriers to readers’ reading blogs.

4.   Why bloggers like to blog.

5.   Why people may not want to blog.

On the subject of why people read blogs, I’m about to provide four examples of why I do. They come from the same blog: Alaskablawg. Now obviously I am not likely to pick up a law review or journal focused solely on Alaska law, for any reason. And believe it or not, there is an “Alaska Law Review” at Duke University in North Carolina, here. (I wonder, sincerely, how many students at Duke compete to get on it.)

But it takes only about a few minutes to read these four blog entries, and they are worth the time. I consider these posts from an Alaska PD to be moving and insightful. They provide a brief vicarious experience of the real world of legal practice that is not always easy to come by in an academic environment.

Actually, the one on “Bears” doesn’t really fit that description, but where else will you read something like it? Not in a law review.

1.   Things I Wish My Clients Knew


2.   Trial (Cont.)


3.   Verdict (Guilty)

4.   Bears

February 13, 2006 in Lawyer Blogging | Permalink


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