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Addendum to Academic Blogging

Here are a couple of other articles on the subject of Academic Blogging that were not in the original list:

Rebecca’s article is one of several reacting to the pseudonymous Prof. Tribble, who criticized academic blogs here and here. Reactions from professor-bloggers to Tribble's articles are here, here, here, and here. In my collection of posts and articles on Academic Blogging, Prof. Tribble’s articles appear under the “Chronicle of Higher Education,” and the four posts from (non-law) professors are under “Cliopatra et al.”

I am currently seeking new articles and blog posts on the topic of “Academic Blogging,” especially concerning the matter of whether blogging is a legitimate form of scholarship. (My personal opinion is easy to guess.) Readers may feel free to suggest additions in the Comments.

February 7, 2006 in Academic Blogging | Permalink


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When talking about the content of weblogs, it is probably never wise to say or ask what "blogging is." Ask what, whether, when it "can be" something. (see the debate over whether weblogs are advertising - http://blogs.law.harvard.edu/ethicalesq/2005/06/09#a3955).

Without the hard work and discipline that true scholarship takes, no medium will amount to scholarship.

Good luck with this project, which seems like a lot more fun than a 3L paper -- with less opportunity for procrastination and tragedy at the end of the semester.

Posted by: david giacalone | Feb 7, 2006 7:52:01 PM

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