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Thanks to Law Prof Bloggers
I would like to thank the following law professor bloggers for linking to my site:
- Prof. Doug Berman at Sentencing Law and Policy. (I will have much more to say later about the various ways Prof. Berman’s blog influenced my decision to begin this Independent Study.)
- Prof. Gerry Beyer at Wills, Trusts, and Estates Prof Blog.
- Prof. Michael Froomkin at Discourse.net (whom I mentioned earlier here).
- Prof. Dan Markel at Prawfsblawg.
- Prof. Gordon Smith at The Conglomerate.
- Prof. Daniel J. Solove at Concurring Opinions.
Many visitors from these sites are coming for the collection of blogs posts and articles on Academic Blogging. I have also added a brief Addendum to that collection and a request for more such posts here.
February 8, 2006 in Thanks | Permalink
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